Stay With Me P.37 (Docas)💖

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Doyoung sat back and watched as Lucas, Jungwoo, and Kun bonded during the Boss era. Lucas, being the newest member, displayed an endearing nervousness that caught Doyoung's attention. He could see how much Lucas relied on Jungwoo and Kun for support, finding solace in their presence. Doyoung found himself chuckling at Lucas' energetic and sometimes clumsy behavior, often becoming the center of amusement among the group.

One day, as they were gathered in the practice room, Lucas tripped over his own feet, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Doyoung couldn't contain himself and joined in, his laughter blending with the rest. The incident only seemed to make Lucas more determined to entertain, and he continued to amuse them with his contagious enthusiasm.

Despite his amusement, Doyoung hesitated to approach Lucas directly. He observed from afar, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them. Doyoung had always been a bit reserved, finding comfort in observing rather than being the center of attention. But he couldn't deny the growing curiosity and interest he felt toward Lucas.


One evening, as the members took a break from practice, Doyoung found himself sitting next to Lucas. They exchanged glances and shared a smile, the familiarity between them growing with each passing day.

"You were amazing out there, Lucas," Doyoung complimented, his voice laced with genuine admiration.

Lucas beamed, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Really? Thanks, Doyoung Hyung! I'm glad you think so."

Doyoung's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Lucas calling him "Hyung." It was a small connection, but it meant the world to him. He decided it was time to take a step forward and break the barriers that held them apart.

"You know," Doyoung began, a playful glint in his eyes, "I have to admit, your energy is something else. It's like you have an endless supply of enthusiasm."

Lucas laughed, leaning closer to Doyoung. "I guess that's just how I am. Can't help it."

Doyoung smiled, feeling a newfound ease in their conversation. "Well, it's infectious. You always manage to bring a smile to my face."

Lucas blushed, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Really? That means a lot, hyung."

As the night went on, Doyoung and Lucas continued to talk, sharing stories, and discovering common interests. Doyoung realized that beneath Lucas' playful exterior, there was a genuine and kind-hearted person. The more they conversed, the more Doyoung found himself drawn to Lucas' magnetic personality.

Before parting ways for the night, Doyoung mustered the courage to take a small step forward. "Lucas, I enjoyed talking with you tonight. Maybe we could hang out more often?"

Lucas beamed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Definitely, Hyung! I'd love that."

That night marked the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship. Doyoung knew that building something meaningful takes time, but he was willing to put in the effort. From that moment on, he made a promise to himself to break free from his reservations and forge a deeper connection with Lucas—a connection that went beyond just laughter and amusement.


As the years stretched out before them, Doyoung and Lucas found themselves caught in the relentless cycle of their demanding schedules. The music industry was unforgiving, leaving them with little respite and even fewer opportunities to connect on a deeper level.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now