Stay With Me P. 81 (Tenyang) 💖

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The stage was set under the dazzling neon lights of Seoul's entertainment district. The night was young, and the bustling streets were alive with the energy of a city that never slept. Inside a cozy, dimly lit cafe, Ten and Yangyang sat across from each other, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the candle on their table.

Ten, the older of the two, was known for his striking features and charismatic stage presence. His dark, expressive eyes held a depth that was often hidden behind his enigmatic smile. He was the kind of person who could light up a room with his presence, and he had done just that ever since his debut in WayV.

Yangyang, on the other hand, was the youngest member of the group, and his youthful exuberance was infectious. With his mischievous grin and a twinkle in his eyes, he had a way of making people feel at ease. Despite the age gap, he and Ten had formed a close bond from the moment they met.

As they sipped their coffee, the conversation flowed easily between them. They talked about their recent performances, their upcoming schedules, and the challenges of being in the spotlight. But beneath the surface, there was an unspoken tension, a palpable shift in their dynamic that neither of them could ignore. Ten had always been a mentor and an older brother figure to Yangyang. He had guided him through the early days of their career, offering advice and support. But over time, their relationship had evolved into something more complicated, something that Ten had been trying to keep at bay.

He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Yangyang. It had started as a subtle, almost imperceptible undercurrent, but it had grown stronger with each passing day. He found himself stealing glances at Yangyang during rehearsals, his heart racing when their hands brushed against each other. It was a feeling he couldn't ignore, and it scared him.

Ten had always been careful with his emotions, guarding his heart like a precious treasure. He had seen the toll that fame and relationships could take on people in their industry, and he didn't want to jeopardize the close-knit bond that WayV had built. So, he had started pulling away from Yangyang, creating distance between them in an attempt to suppress his feelings.

Yangyang, however, was not oblivious to the change in their relationship. He had noticed the way Ten had become more distant, less affectionate. It hurt, and it left him feeling confused and frustrated. He couldn't understand why Ten was pulling away, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something wrong.

One evening, as they sat in the dorm, the silence between them became unbearable. Yangyang couldn't take it any longer. He cleared his throat and looked at Ten, his expression a mix of determination and vulnerability.

"Hyung," he began tentatively, "we need to talk."

Ten looked up from his phone, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Talk about what, Yangyang?"

Yangyang took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "About us, about our relationship. Something's changed, and I can't pretend like I don't notice it. You've been distant, and I don't know why."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now