Stay With Me P.144 (Markyang)💖

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In the world of K-pop, where talent and charisma reign supreme, the first meeting between Mark and Yangyang was a fateful collision of two rising stars. It was a chilly autumn morning when they walked into the recording studio for NCT 2020's upcoming song, "Misfit." The air was thick with anticipation, the energy electric. Mark and Yangyang had heard of each other, but this was their first formal encounter.

Mark Lee, the Canadian-born rapper and vocalist, had already established himself as one of the brightest talents in NCT and its subunits. His rapping skills were impeccable, his stage presence magnetic. He was a young prodigy who seemed to have it all, and his reputation had preceded him.

Yangyang, on the other hand, was the Chinese-born rapper with a unique flair. He had a fire in his eyes, a hunger to prove himself, and a determination that burned brighter than the sun. He had earned his spot in NCT with his hard work and raw talent, but standing in the same room as Mark made him acutely aware of the gap between them.

As they settled into their seats, surrounded by the hum of the studio equipment and the chatter of the crew, Yangyang couldn't help but steal glances at Mark. Mark, with his easy smile and laid-back demeanor, seemed completely at ease. He chatted with the other members, made jokes, and effortlessly blended into the group. Yangyang, on the other hand, felt like an outsider trying to find his place. The recording session began, and Mark's rapping skills were nothing short of mesmerizing. His flow was like a river, smooth and unstoppable. His words were a torrent of emotion, and they hit Yangyang like a tidal wave. Each verse Mark delivered was a masterpiece, and it left Yangyang in awe.

As Mark's turn came to an end, he stepped away from the microphone and looked around the room, catching Yangyang's eye. There was a moment of connection, a flicker of understanding that passed between them. Yangyang saw in Mark's eyes a hint of recognition, a silent acknowledgment of Yangyang's own talent. Yangyang's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had to bring his A-game, but the pressure was immense. How could he ever match up to Mark? The thought of being a misfit among such extraordinary talent gnawed at him. But he couldn't let it show. He couldn't let his self-doubt overshadow his passion for music.

The recording continued, and Yangyang poured his heart and soul into his verses. He rapped with a fire that matched the intensity of Mark's performance. The two of them, though different in style, complemented each other beautifully. It was as if their voices were destined to intertwine in the tapestry of the song.


As the day turned into evening and the recording session stretched on, Mark approached Yangyang during a break. His smile was warm and welcoming, his eyes filled with genuine interest.

"Hey, Yangyang," Mark said, his voice as friendly as his demeanor. "I really like your flow. You've got a unique style. It's great working with you."

Yangyang's heart skipped a beat at Mark's words. He had expected a compliment, perhaps, but Mark's praise felt like a validation he had been craving. He managed a smile in return.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now