Stay With Me P.178 (Yangsung)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, where young and talented artists from around the globe come together to create music and perform for adoring fans, there exists a group known as NCT. And within this vibrant collective, there is a boy named Jisung, a quiet and reserved soul who held his emotions close to his heart, even closer than the music he helped create. He was a member of NCT Dream, the youthful and dynamic subunit of NCT.

Jisung's introverted nature was not unknown to the other members, and they respected his need for personal space and solitude. Among them, he was considered the most reserved, the one who took the longest to open up to others, and the most challenging to get close to. His shyness was a well-guarded fortress, a citadel of self-protection built brick by brick from a lifetime of experiences.

Then there was Yangyang, a bright and outgoing force of nature from Germany, who had joined NCT as a member of WayV, another subunit of the group. Yangyang was known for his infectious energy, his love for rap, and his cheerful personality that seemed to light up any room he entered. He was also fluent in multiple languages, a talent that made him a bridge between the diverse NCT members from around the world.

The first time Yangyang met Jisung was during a collaboration performance between NCT Dream and WayV. It was a breathtaking fusion of talent and passion, but for Yangyang, the highlight of the night was something else entirely. He had caught sight of Jisung backstage, sitting alone, lost in his own world as he scribbled lyrics into a notebook. There was something about Jisung that drew Yangyang in like a moth to a flame.

Approaching Jisung, Yangyang greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey there, Jisung! I'm Yangyang from WayV. Your rap skills are amazing. I've been a fan for a while now."

Jisung looked up, surprise flickering across his face. He'd heard of Yangyang, of course, but hadn't expected him to approach with such genuine enthusiasm. "Oh, thanks," Jisung mumbled, his gaze dropping back to his notebook.

Yangyang was undeterred. He knew Jisung's reputation and understood that gaining his trust wouldn't be easy. "You know," he said casually, "I love writing lyrics too. Mind if I take a look at what you're working on?"

Jisung hesitated, then handed over the notebook, a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Yangyang flipped through the pages, his face lighting up with genuine appreciation for Jisung's talent. "Wow, these are amazing! You're a real poet, Jisung. We should work on something together sometime."

Jisung, who had always been hesitant to collaborate with others, was taken aback by Yangyang's genuine interest in his work. His heart warmed a bit, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Sure, that sounds... nice."


That was the beginning of an unexpected friendship, one that slowly began to chip away at the walls around Jisung's heart. Yangyang, always the lively one, made it his mission to get closer to Jisung. He spent hours with him, listening to Jisung's thoughts and dreams, sharing his own experiences, and exchanging music recommendations. Yangyang was like a ray of sunshine in Jisung's life, breaking through the clouds of his shyness.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now