Stay With Me P.17 (Chensung) 💖

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Young love, it was something no one really believed in. Was it because of their age? Or their ability to think that "older means wiser?" No matter what it was, Chenle and Jisung were young and in fact, in love.

Like today, everyone had a day off in the dorms and Chenle spent his time with Jisung. Cuddled up on a couch as they watched Korean Dramas with Chinese subtitles. And a bucket of popcorn stuck in the middle of them.

Chenle's head layed softly on Jisungs shoulder as he yawned out an adorable yawn. The day of rest definitely meant rest, meaning sleep.

Chenle doesn't remember falling asleep. But some time in between everything, he does. And Jisung watched him with a smile.

He placed the popcorn away to bring the older closer to him. Wrapping his arms around the others waist as he layed his head on the others.

The moment was perfect, and Jisung never felt more happier than being able to be right next to Chenle in the moment.

Being able to kiss his head, play with his hair, stare at his features. Fall in love with him over and over again without the olders always commenting on them, or fans on the brink of figuring out Chensung.


Jisung wakes up after some time sleeping to Chenle still sleeping. His head placed on his chest. Light snores admitted from him. He looled like an angel sleeping.

"Ji," he hears a sleepy voice. Quickly shaking out of his day dreaming state.

There is his Lele, barely awake. Looking up at him cutely as his face screamed adorable. But everything about Chenle screamed adorable.

"Hi Lele," Jisung smiles kissing the top of the olders nose. And he didn't have to worry about who would see him being a quote on quote "soft boy."

"Ji," Chenle drags out cutely in his "barely awake voice."

It was another thing added to a list of why Chenle is perfect in his eyes. Chenle's eyes batting in and out of conscious.

Jisung wanted to keep the other awake to give him all the affection he wanted. But he decided sleep was also important for his Chenle and let the other's eyes drift asleep.

Jisung stuck to watching dramas and playing with Chenle's hair. His body too alert and caught up on sleep there was no way he would be able to go back to sleep.

When, in walked Taeyong.

And usually, Jisung would push the other away. But today, he didn't even care to. In fact, he cuddled closer to the other as he watched Taeyong stop and look at the two.

A smile danced on his face.

No over the top screaming or bouncing around. He just smiled at the two. Which was very un Taeyong to do.

"Take care of him Jisung," Taeyong whispers as he walks out.

And it made Jisung smile, for more than one reason. But he truly understood the meaning behind what Taeyong had just said.


When Jisung woke up again, the room was dark, and a little light admitted from the outside world. The TV admitted a little light to barely see the frame of both Jisung and Chenle. The older still asleep with his head comfortably on the others shoulder snores lightly admitted from him.

Jisung couldn't stop falling in love with every look he had towards the other.

When, in walks Doyoung. The one who would say something more or less. He just smiled, a gummy smile as his eyes lit up with admiration for the two.

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