Stay With Me P.32 (DoWin) 💖

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Sicheng laid awake in the Wayv dorm, the sun shining brightly down on his face. He whines as he wishes for it go away. And wishing for Doyoung's face to be right here in front of his ready to shower him in all the affection he never knew that he required from another person.

But the other has to be busy recording for NCT's new song From Home.

Just remembering that'll he'll get to hear it causes a tingling feeling in his chest. Sicheng loves to listen to his lover sing. He can't help but fall in love with his singing every-time he hears it. Like it is quite literally a music to his ears.

Getting up, he gets ready throwing some cloths on and running a comb through his hair. Walking down the sidewalk, he heads to the recording studio of SM.


"Now I know," sings Doyoung the minute Sicheng walks into the room.

Sicheng stands there a moment admiring his lover. He's dressed so simply, but to Sicheng he is the most handsome person he has ever laid eyes on.

"Hey Sichgy," waves adorably Doyoung, running over and engulfing his lover in his arms.

"Hey Do," smiles that adorable smile Sicheng.

"What are you doing here?" Doyoung asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, I wanted to spend some time with you" smiles Sicheng. Admiring his lover who is staring at him lovestruck.

Which isn't wrong, Sicheng wants to spend as much with his lover as he can before he leaves for China again to go do an acting project. Sicheng is more than excited to start his new adventure, however he is sad because he will be away from his lover for a long time. Not like they haven't in the past, however this time, it just feels different.

"Come on!" Doyoung grabs his arm dragging him to where the others are sitting for the unit From Home.

Everyone is sitting on the sofa, notebooks sitting in front of everyone. And of course they look up to the two who decided to join them. Making some arrangements for the extra person on the sofa. Sicheng sitting on Doyoung's lap who is sitting next to Renjun and Yuta.

"I seriously think we should consider it," comments Yuta, leaning back on the sofa.

"We are definitely not!" Responds the responsible Kun.

"I don't see why we don't try and give it a try," passing a comment from Chenle.

"Because I see it going to a disaster," comments his lover showing a pointing finger at Chenle.

Currently everyone is currently arguing over the MV, and how they want it to be portrayed. Either way, Sicheng loves everyone's idea, he reminds him how much he is at home.

With Doyoung.

And with NCT.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now