Stay With Me P.135 (Doyang)💖

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In the heart of Seoul, within the vibrant world of K-pop, there existed a group known as NCT. These talented young men were more than just performers; they were a family, a brotherhood. But like any family, they had their quirks and dynamics, and sometimes, these dynamics weren't always harmonious. One member of NCT, Doyoung, had always been the target of teasing and light-hearted banter from the others. With his gentle demeanor and easygoing nature, Doyoung was the perfect canvas for their pranks and jokes. He had grown accustomed to the playful taunts and had developed a thick skin, brushing them off with a smile and a shrug. To Doyoung, it was all in good fun, a way to strengthen the bonds that held them together.

Among the members, Yangyang was the youngest and newest addition to the group. He had joined NCT with dreams in his eyes and a fierce determination to make it in the competitive world of K-pop. Over time, Yangyang had developed a special connection with Doyoung. They shared many common interests and often found themselves chatting late into the night about music, life, and everything in between. Their friendship had blossomed, and Yangyang had grown protective of Doyoung.

One day, after a particularly intense practice session, the members of NCT gathered in their spacious practice room. Laughter filled the air as they ribbed Doyoung about his choice of hairstyle for their upcoming music video.

"Come on, Doyoung," Taeyong teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're going to break the internet with that hair."

Doyoung chuckled, running a hand through his newly styled locks. "Well, I thought it'd be a change. Variety is the spice of life, right?"

The others laughed, but Yangyang felt a pang of unease. He had grown fond of Doyoung's gentle nature and couldn't bear to see him teased constantly. As the banter continued, Yangyang's discomfort grew, until he couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"Guys, can we lay off Doyoung for a bit?" Yangyang spoke up, his voice uncharacteristically serious.

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Yangyang, surprised by his sudden outburst.

Johnny, always the peacemaker of the group, was the first to respond. "Hey, Yangyang, we're just joking around. Doyoung can take it, right?"

Doyoung nodded, giving a reassuring smile. "Yeah, guys, don't worry about it. I'm used to it."

But Yangyang couldn't let it go. He had seen something in Doyoung's eyes, a flicker of hurt that he couldn't ignore. "That's not the point," Yangyang persisted. "We're a team, a family. We should support each other, not make fun of one another all the time."

Tension hung in the air as the other members exchanged glances. They had never seen Yangyang like this, so earnest and impassioned. It was clear that he had strong feelings about the matter.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now