Stay With Me P.8 (Yuwin) 💖

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Months, that is how long it has been since Yuta had seen his beloved boyfriend. The younger had been so busy in Wayv, he was scared Sicheng forgot about him.

It was a normal night, tears we falling down silently Yuta's face as he tried to go to sleep. Knowing tomorrow, he wouldn't wake up with his boyfriend like over the past half of the year.

"Yuta?" Mark says through the night.

"Yes Markie," Yuta says trying to stabilize his voice.

"Why don't you call Sicheng-hyung?" Asks Mark sitting up.

"He's in China right now Markie," whines Yuta.

"Just call him hyung," groans Mark laying back down and going back to sleep.

Yuta knew he wouldn't understand anyway. He got to hold his boyfriend all the time, and Yuta hasn't gotten to see his boyfriend outside of a YouTube video about seven months ago.


"So Dong Sicheng, you are going to go into this Chinese based group of Nct," smiles Soo-man.

"That's awesome!" Excited Sicheng bounces in his chair. He had been mistreated a lot in Nct-127 because of his troubles with Korean.

"There is only one problem... because of conflict with Korea and China. You will strictly promote in China and spend a lot of time away from Korea. I understand you are close to the members. But I hope you will take that into consideration," Soo-man, that horrible day told Sicheng.

And the dedication boy did ask for some time. He wanted to talk to his boyfriend about it. He just wasn't sure when it would be the right time to do so.


It was months later, and here Sicheng layed in bed with Yuta. The other had Sicheng curled up in his chest. And shamefully, he couldn't sleep.

He couldn't gst out of his head about the deal with Soo-Man, and the other always reminded him about it. Sicheng almost didn't want to take it because he didn't want to upset Yuta.

He loves the other too much to break his heart and tell him about Wayv. He couldn't really. Nct members always having a birthday, Sicheng's birthday, Yutas birthday, their anniversary all went bye.

And he didn't want to spoil the events with his sour news. But he knew eventually he would have to tell Yuta, or he'd have to decline or accept the offer.

"Sichengie," Kun smiles sadly, "think about it! You'll be so much more happier. You'll be speaking your native language, and you'll finally have lines and projects. Sichengie, you'll finally get the recognition you deserve!" Kun said with a passionate voice.

That day in the kitchen, changed Sicheng's whole view on what he had been missing for so long now. He didn't really care about speaking Korean or Chinese. But he always hated not having a lot of lines, or even not able to do his own solo dance projects.

At least now, he'd be able to. And that excited him the most.

And that changed his opinion forever...


It was a normal day in the kitchen for Yuta and Sicheng alone. And finally, Sicheng decided now was the best time to do so.

"Yuta.. can we talk?" Softly asks Sicheng. His nerves were all over the place.

"Of course Sichengie.. what's up?" Yuta asks with his healing smile. The same smile that melted Sicheng's insides.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now