Stay With Me P.61 (Jaecas)💖

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Lucas's heart raced as he stepped into the bustling corridors of the SM Entertainment building, a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling within him. He had just joined the SM Rookies, a trainee program that was a stepping stone to his dream of becoming an idol. He was surrounded by new faces, all equally eager and nervous, but there was one face that stood out among the rest - Jaehyun's.

Jaehyun was a member of NCT and had been at the company longer than Lucas. He was undeniably handsome with his sharp features and charismatic aura. But to Lucas, he was something more - a distant enigma that he could never muster the courage to approach. Every time their paths crossed, Lucas felt a strange mixture of awe and intimidation. He had seen Jaehyun perform on stage, watched him interact with others effortlessly, and it only deepened the abyss of their perceived differences.

As the days turned into weeks, Lucas became immersed in training, his schedule packed with dance lessons, vocal practice, and language classes. But no matter how busy he was, he couldn't shake off the feeling of Jaehyun's presence. Their interactions were limited to fleeting glances and polite nods. Lucas's heart thudded in his chest whenever he caught Jaehyun's eye, a shy smile exchanged before they went their separate ways.

One evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, Lucas found himself in the practice room alone. He was going through a particularly challenging dance routine, his body aching with exhaustion. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to give up when the door creaked open, and there stood Jaehyun.

"Mind if I join you?" Jaehyun's voice was warm, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room.

Lucas's heart skipped a beat, his nerves and excitement waging a silent battle within him. He managed a nod, unable to form coherent words. They stood side by side, their bodies moving in synchrony as they danced to the rhythm of the music. For the first time, Lucas felt a strange sense of ease around Jaehyun, as if their movements were weaving an unspoken connection between them.


As the weeks turned into months, Lucas found himself spending more time with Jaehyun. They practiced together, shared meals, and gradually, the barriers that Lucas had built around Jaehyun began to crumble. He realized that Jaehyun was not just the unapproachable idol he had imagined, but a person with his own dreams, fears, and quirks. They laughed over silly jokes and bonded over their shared struggles, their conversations flowing effortlessly.

One rainy afternoon, as they sat by the window with cups of steaming coffee, Jaehyun turned to Lucas with a smile. "You know, I used to think you were so cool and unapproachable when I first saw you."

Lucas nearly choked on his coffee, his eyes widening in surprise. "Wait, seriously?"

Jaehyun chuckled. "Yeah, I was too shy to talk to you."

Lucas couldn't help but laugh, feeling a strange sense of relief wash over him. "Well, the feeling was mutual. I thought you were way out of my league."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now