Stay With Me P.124 (Johndery)💖

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The music video shoot for "Work It" was in full swing, and the bustling energy of the set was undeniable. NCT U had gathered once again for their yearly project, uniting all the talents and personalities that made up this dynamic group. It was a grand spectacle, a celebration of their unity and diversity, but for Hendery, it was also a daunting experience. He stood amidst the chaos, feeling like a stranger in a sea of familiar faces. As a member of WayV, he was used to being surrounded by his bandmates, his safety net in the vast world of NCT. But here, he was alone, a lone wolf in a pack of wolves he didn't know very well. Shyness gnawed at his core, and he couldn't help but feel like he was out of his element.

Hendery glanced around, trying to find someone he could connect with, someone who could make this experience a little less intimidating. That's when he saw Johnny, lounging casually against a wall, a serene smile on his face as he observed the chaos of the shoot. Johnny, with his laid-back demeanor and easygoing nature, seemed approachable, and Hendery decided to take a chance.

He cautiously made his way over to Johnny, nerves fluttering in his chest. "Hey," he greeted, offering a small smile.

Johnny turned his attention to the newcomer, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he returned the smile. "Hey there," he replied in a friendly tone. "You're Hendery from WayV, right?"

Hendery nodded, feeling a rush of relief that Johnny recognized him. "Yeah, that's me. This whole thing is a bit overwhelming, isn't it?"

Johnny chuckled, pushing himself off the wall to stand upright. "Tell me about it. But you'll get used to it. We're a pretty chill bunch."

As they started talking, the initial awkwardness began to dissipate. Johnny's easy conversation and welcoming attitude helped Hendery relax, and he soon found himself laughing and chatting with his new acquaintance as if they had known each other for years.


As the days of the "Work It" promotions rolled on, Johnny and Hendery's friendship deepened. They discovered shared interests and hobbies, and Hendery found himself looking forward to the moments when they could steal a few minutes to chat or goof around during breaks. He couldn't help but admire Johnny's confidence and charisma, traits he wished he possessed in abundance.

However, as Hendery spent more time with Johnny, he couldn't ignore the growing feelings that were blossoming within him. At first, he dismissed them as a simple crush, a fleeting infatuation. But as the days turned into weeks, those feelings only intensified. Hendery found himself stealing glances at Johnny when he thought no one was looking, his heart pounding a little faster whenever their hands accidentally brushed. It was during a late-night conversation in a dimly lit corner of the practice room that Hendery couldn't hold his feelings back any longer. They were sitting close, talking about their dreams and aspirations, and the vulnerability of the moment got the better of him.

"Johnny," Hendery began hesitantly, his voice a soft murmur in the stillness of the room. "There's something I need to tell you."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now