Stay With Me P.154 (Tenmin)💖

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Ten stood in the dimly lit practice room, gazing at the mirrored walls that held memories of countless hours spent perfecting dance moves and choreographies. The room was empty now, save for him, lost in thought and nostalgia. He had come a long way since his own rookie days, and the journey had been filled with highs and lows. But there was one particular memory that tugged at his heart, a memory of a shy, adorable kid who had entered his life during those early years.


The name brought a smile to Ten's face as he thought of the younger boy. Jaemin had been a bright spot in those hectic rookie days, a shy and talented kid who had captured everyone's hearts. Ten couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness over him and the rest of the NCT Dream members. It was almost as if they were his own kids, and he was their doting mom.

But life in the fast-paced world of K-pop had its own plans, and Ten's path had diverged from that of the Dreamies. They had all gone on to debut as NCT Dream, while Ten had become a part of the larger NCT family, promoting with various subunits and teams. The distance between them had grown, not just in terms of miles, but in terms of their careers and schedules. Ten sighed, running a hand through his hair as he recalled the awkwardness of their encounters in 2018. They had all been under the same roof during NCT 2018, but it had been different. They were no longer the rookies Ten had helped nurture and guide. They were now his peers, his colleagues in the industry, and it felt strange.

It wasn't that Ten didn't want to see them or be close to them. In fact, he missed those days when they were like a close-knit family, supporting each other through thick and thin. But the dynamics had changed, and Ten wasn't sure how to bridge the gap that had formed over the years.


Fast forward to 2020, and Ten found himself facing a different kind of challenge. He was back in Seoul after a whirlwind of international schedules, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The fame, the applause, and the adoration of fans were all there, but something was missing. It was as if he had lost touch with the very essence of why he had become an idol in the first place—the love for dance and the bonds forged with his fellow trainees.

It was on one of those contemplative evenings that Ten's phone buzzed with a message. He picked it up and saw Jaemin's name on the screen. A rush of warmth and nostalgia washed over him as he read the message.

Jaemin: Hey, Ten hyung! It's been a while, hasn't it?

Ten's fingers danced over the touchscreen as he typed his reply.

Ten: Yeah, it really has. How have you been, Jaemin?

Jaemin: I've been good, busy with Dream promotions and all. But I miss hanging out with you and the others.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now