Stay With Me P.184 (Renjohn)💖

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Renjun had always admired Johnny from a distance. There was something about Johnny's natural charisma that made him slightly intimidating. Maybe it was the height, the broad shoulders, or the way he carried himself with such confidence. But what really set Johnny apart, in Renjun's eyes, was his training period. Johnny had trained for years, overcoming struggles and challenges that most people couldn't even imagine. That kind of determination and perseverance had left a lasting impression on Renjun.

It wasn't until after their debut that Renjun started to see another side of Johnny. He watched as Johnny interacted with the other members of NCT. Johnny was genuinely nice, caring, and supportive to everyone, regardless of their position or status within the group. Renjun noticed how Johnny would often go out of his way to make the other members feel comfortable and valued.

There were moments when Renjun found himself enjoying conversations with Johnny. He discovered that Johnny had a great sense of humor and was always up for a good laugh. Those interactions slowly chipped away at the fear and intimidation he had felt earlier. He began to see Johnny as not just a senior in the group but as a person he could connect with on a personal level.


However, it wasn't until NCT 2020, during the group's promotions, that Renjun and Johnny had the opportunity to get closer. Their schedules were packed, but they managed to steal moments together. They would meet up at a nearby cafe in between rehearsals and interviews, sipping on their favorite drinks and talking about anything and everything. Those moments became the highlight of Renjun's day. One evening, as the sun set over the city, they decided to grab dinner together. They found a quiet restaurant tucked away from the bustling streets, a place where they could enjoy a more intimate conversation. The soft glow of candlelight and the aroma of their favorite dishes created a warm and inviting atmosphere. It was during that dinner that Renjun realized how much he had come to appreciate Johnny's presence in his life.

As they chatted about their dreams, aspirations, and the challenges they had faced in their careers, Renjun felt a growing sense of connection. He realized that Johnny wasn't just someone he looked up to; he was someone he deeply cared about. It was in that moment that Renjun began to develop feelings for Johnny, feelings that were more than just admiration. However, those feelings were a source of inner turmoil for Renjun. He couldn't help but feel conflicted. After all, Johnny was not only a senior but someone he had once been slightly afraid of. It was a daunting thought, but Renjun couldn't deny the emotions welling up inside him.

One evening, as they walked back to their dorms after a long day of promotions, Renjun found himself lost in thought. The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a gentle, silvery glow over the city. He finally mustered the courage to open up to someone about his feelings. That someone was Mark, his close friend and confidant within the group.

"Mark," Renjun began, his voice slightly trembling, "I need to talk to you about something."

Mark looked at Renjun, concern in his eyes. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now