Stay With Me P.140 (Woojun)💖

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The year 2020 had been a whirlwind for Jungwoo. As a member of NCT 2020, he found himself thrust into the spotlight, performing on stage, attending interviews, and engaging with fans more than ever before. But there was one thing that hadn't changed - his shyness. Jungwoo had always been a reserved and introverted person, and the constant attention and scrutiny that came with being an idol only made him retreat further into his shell.

Among his fellow NCT members, Jungwoo had a close friend in Lucas. Lucas was outgoing, friendly, and always willing to lend an ear when Jungwoo needed someone to talk to. They had a special bond that transcended their differences in personality. Lucas's bright and cheerful demeanor often served as a shield for Jungwoo, allowing him to navigate the demanding world of K-pop with a bit more ease.

But as 2021 rolled around, something happened that shook the entire NCT and WayV family. Lucas got caught up in a scandal, one that sent shockwaves through the fandom and the entertainment industry. Jungwoo couldn't believe it when he first heard the news. He knew Lucas well, and the allegations seemed completely out of character for his friend.

Jungwoo felt compelled to check on Lucas and the other WayV members. He had always admired their talent and respected their hard work, and he couldn't bear to see them go through such a tough time. So, he mustered the courage to reach out and offer his support.

One evening, Jungwoo made his way to the WayV dorm, his heart pounding with anxiety. He hadn't spent much time with the WayV members before, and he wasn't sure how they would react to his presence. He knocked softly on the door, and after a moment, Xiaojun opened it, a surprised look on his face.

"Jungwoo?" Xiaojun said, his voice tinged with astonishment. "What brings you here?"

Jungwoo cleared his throat, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "I heard about what happened with Lucas, and I just wanted to see how you guys are doing. Is he... is he okay?"

Xiaojun's expression softened, and he stepped aside to let Jungwoo into the dorm. "Come in," he said gently. "We've all been pretty shaken up by everything, but we're trying to support Lucas as best as we can."

Jungwoo nodded and followed Xiaojun inside. The WayV dorm was cozy and welcoming, with a warm, homely atmosphere. It was a stark contrast to the sterile hotel rooms and practice studios he was used to. He could hear the hushed conversations of the other members in different rooms, but it was Xiaojun who had greeted him. They settled in the living room, and Xiaojun poured them each a cup of tea. The two of them sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation hanging in the air. Jungwoo was grateful for Xiaojun's hospitality, and he couldn't help but admire how kind and composed Xiaojun appeared, even in the midst of a crisis.


Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now