Stay With Me P.104 (Hyucksung)💖

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It was a bright and sunny day in Seoul, and NCT Dream was enjoying a rare day off from their busy schedules. The members had decided to spend the day at a local park, soaking in the warmth of the sun and reveling in the simple pleasures of life. Among them, Haechan, known for his mischievous nature, had already hatched a plan for some good-natured teasing.

Haechan, whose real name was Donghyuck, had always been the prankster of the group. His playful antics were legendary among NCTzens, and he took immense pleasure in poking fun at his fellow members. One member, in particular, had always been the target of his jokes - Jisung.

Park Jisung, the youngest member of NCT Dream, was a talented dancer and rapper. He had a youthful innocence that endeared him to fans and made him an easy target for Donghyuck's teasing. Jisung had a tendency to take the jokes in stride, never fighting back or getting angry, which only encouraged Donghyuck to push the boundaries even further.

As the members gathered in the park, Donghyuck couldn't resist the urge to start his usual banter with Jisung. He sidled up to the younger boy, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and nudged him playfully. "Hey, Jisungie," Donghyuck began, his voice filled with faux innocence, "Did you know that your dancing is so mesmerizing that even the birds can't help but fall from the sky to watch?"

Jisung, who had been engrossed in watching a group of kids playing nearby, turned to Donghyuck with a small smile. "You think so, Haechan?"

Donghyuck grinned, sensing that Jisung was once again taking his teasing in stride. "Oh, absolutely," he replied with exaggerated enthusiasm. "In fact, I heard that even the trees stop swaying when you dance because they're too busy applauding."

The other members chuckled at Donghyuck's antics, used to his over-the-top compliments and playful exaggerations. Jisung blushed slightly but didn't respond with a comeback as Donghyuck had hoped.

Determined to provoke a reaction, Donghyuck continued, "And you know, Jisung, your rap skills are so fire that I heard the squirrels in the park have started breakdancing in admiration."

Jisung laughed at that, finally catching on to Donghyuck's playful mood. "Well, I guess I should give those squirrels some dance lessons then."

The banter continued throughout the day, with Donghyuck showering Jisung with more outlandish compliments and Jisung responding with his trademark good humor. The rest of the members watched the two of them, amused by their dynamic. They knew that Donghyuck's teasing was all in good fun and that Jisung never took it to heart.

As the day wore on, Donghyuck decided to up the ante. He leaned in closer to Jisung and whispered, "You know, Jisung, you're so amazing that even I can't help but be in awe of you."

Jisung, not expecting such a heartfelt comment, turned to Donghyuck with a surprised look. "Haechan, that's...unexpected. Thanks."

Donghyuck's eyes softened, and for a moment, he dropped the playful facade. "No, seriously, Jisung. You're an incredible person, and I admire you a lot."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now