Stay With Me P.48 (Lumark)💖

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In the dimly lit practice room, the air buzzed with nervous energy as trainees bustled around, each consumed by their own dreams of stardom. Among them stood Lucas and Mark, both uncertain of what lay ahead. Lucas's mesmerizing Cantonese flowed like silk, contrasting beautifully with Mark's confident English. They were like two stars from different constellations, fated to cross paths in the vast expanse of the entertainment industry.

Lucas, with his bright eyes and infectious smile, exuded a magnetic charm that drew people in. Mark, on the other hand, possessed a quiet determination that commanded respect. Yet, despite their contrasting personalities, something deeper seemed to pull them together, like the irresistible force of gravity.'

In the beginning, their conversations were awkward and stilted, like two puzzle pieces trying to fit together despite the language barrier that separated them. But as they spent more time together, practicing their dance routines and vocal harmonies, a profound understanding began to grow between them. It was as if their souls had found a common language, one that transcended the limitations of words.

Mark noticed how Lucas's eyes would light up whenever he talked about his family back in Hong Kong. He could hear the fondness in Lucas's voice as he described the street food and bustling markets of his hometown. In those moments, Mark felt a sense of empathy that reached beyond the boundaries of culture and language. He understood the universal longing for home, for a place where one could be unapologetically oneself. Similarly, Lucas marveled at Mark's dedication and work ethic. He admired how Mark never seemed to shy away from challenges, tackling each one with unwavering determination. Lucas found himself drawn to Mark's calm presence, as if being near him brought a sense of tranquility amidst the chaos of their demanding training schedule.

As their friendship blossomed, they began to rely on each other for support. On days when the weight of their dreams felt too heavy, they would seek solace in each other's presence. They became each other's confidants, sharing their fears and insecurities, finding comfort in the knowledge that they were not alone on this arduous journey.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop of their practice building, the city lights twinkling below, Lucas opened up about the struggles he faced as a foreign trainee. "Sometimes, I feel like an outsider," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "But when I'm with you, Mark, it's like I belong."

Mark nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I know what you mean. It's not easy for me either, being the only one from my country here. But somehow, being with you makes it all feel less lonely."

In that moment, they realized that their shared experiences of struggle and resilience had woven a bond between them that was unbreakable. They were two halves of the same heart, beating in harmony, their friendship a testament to the power of human connection.


As the live stream began, the stage was set with an electric buzz, and the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Lucas and Mark took their positions, their eyes locked in a shared excitement that transcended words. The moment they started, it was as if the universe itself conspired to put on a show like no other. Their playful banter and contagious laughter set the tone for the night. Lucas's animated expressions and Mark's witty comebacks created a dynamic that was both entertaining and endearing. They were like two stars colliding, creating a dazzling display of chaotic energy that drew the audience in like moths to a flame.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now