Stay With Me P.116 (Hyuckdery)💖

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The trainee days at SM Entertainment were filled with anticipation and excitement. Young talents from all over the world had gathered in hopes of becoming the next big thing in the world of K-pop. Among them were Donghyuck and Hendery, two boys with dreams as vast as the night sky. Little did they know that their paths would cross in a way that would change their lives forever.

Donghyuck and Chenle, two mischievous souls, had a knack for finding fun and laughter in the most unexpected places. They were known around the trainee dorms as the troublemakers, the duo that could turn even the most mundane training sessions into a riot. And, of course, Hendery was no exception to their antics. Hendery, with his gentle demeanor and calm disposition, was the perfect target for Donghyuck's playful pranks. Whether it was switching out his water bottle with a squirting one or hiding his practice shoes, Donghyuck found endless joy in teasing the unsuspecting Hendery. Chenle, always up for some mischief, was his partner in crime.

Despite being the victim of their constant teasing, Hendery never once lost his cool. He'd smile and shake his head, as if he found their antics endearing rather than annoying. It was this unwavering patience that made Donghyuck take a second look at the boy he loved to tease.


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Donghyuck found himself drawn to Hendery in ways he couldn't quite understand. It wasn't just the way Hendery laughed off his pranks, but also the way he looked out for his fellow trainees, offering a helping hand and a kind word when they needed it most. There was something undeniably magnetic about Hendery's presence. Donghyuck had always been the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was surprisingly hesitant. He'd confide in Chenle about his growing feelings, unsure of what to do with them.

"Chenle, I think I like Hendery," Donghyuck admitted one evening as they sat on their bunk beds, the room bathed in the soft glow of their desk lamps.

Chenle, ever the perceptive one, raised an eyebrow. "Like, like-like?"

Donghyuck groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I don't know, Chenle. It's weird. I've never felt like this before. Every time I see him, my heart does this weird fluttery thing, and I can't stop thinking about him."

Chenle grinned mischievously. "Sounds like you've got a crush, Hyuck."

Donghyuck shot his friend a glare. "Don't make fun of me."

Chenle chuckled. "I'm not, I promise. But seriously, what are you going to do about it?"

Donghyuck sighed. "I don't know, Chenle. I'm scared. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if it ruins our friendship?"

Chenle patted Donghyuck's back reassuringly. "You won't know unless you talk to him. And if he's as great as you say he is, I'm sure he'll understand, even if he doesn't feel the same way."

Donghyuck nodded, the weight of his feelings heavy in his chest. He knew Chenle was right, but that didn't make the prospect of confessing any less daunting.

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