Stay With Me P. 40 (JohnTa)💖

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The buzzing energy of the dressing room filled the air as NCT members prepared for another performance. Johnny leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on the mirror in front of him. He adjusted his hair, his mind wandering to thoughts of his fellow member, Yuta. They had always shared a unique connection, an unspoken bond that went beyond mere friendship.

As Johnny contemplated their relationship, Yuta entered the room, his presence instantly lifting the atmosphere. Johnny couldn't help but notice how Yuta's smile brightened up the entire space. Yuta caught Johnny's eye, a knowing glint reflecting in his own as if he understood the thoughts racing through Johnny's mind.

"Hey, Johnny," Yuta greeted, his voice warm and inviting. "Ready for another amazing stage?"

Johnny nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Always, Yuta. We'll rock it as usual."

They exchanged a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between them. Their bond had always been unspoken, a connection that transcended words. They had protected each other through thick and thin, offering support even when the world seemed against them.


Later that day, as the bustling energy of the practice room subsided, Mark found himself sitting beside Yuta. Their laughter filled the space, echoing with a sense of camaraderie. Mark had always possessed a perceptive nature, able to discern the underlying emotions beneath Yuta's seemingly carefree facade.

Leaning in, Mark's voice carried a gentle yet probing tone. "Yuta, have you ever considered that there might be something more between you and Johnny?"

Yuta's eyes widened slightly, surprise flickering across his face. He attempted to mask his reaction with a nonchalant demeanor, but the flicker of fear betrayed his true feelings. "What do you mean, Mark?"

Mark leaned forward, sincerity imbuing his voice. "I've observed the way you two look at each other, the unwavering support you offer one another. There's an undeniable connection, Yuta. Something worth exploring."

Yuta's gaze shifted to the floor, his fingers nervously intertwining. A mixture of uncertainty and longing danced in his eyes. "It's...complicated, Mark. What if pursuing anything romantic ruins our friendship?"

Placing a reassuring hand on Yuta's shoulder, Mark offered words of encouragement. "Love is a risk, Yuta. But sometimes, the rewards far outweigh the fear. You deserve to find happiness, and perhaps that lies in exploring these feelings."

Yuta's heart fluttered with a mixture of hope and trepidation. The idea of embracing his emotions for Johnny held both the promise of something beautiful and the fear of potential heartbreak. He had grown so accustomed to burying his desires, believing it was safer to keep them hidden. Thoughts churned within Yuta's mind, reflecting the inner turmoil he had long suppressed. He had witnessed the gentle gestures, the subtle glances, and the way their friendship transcended the boundaries of conventional camaraderie. But admitting his true feelings to himself felt like stepping into uncharted territory filled with uncertainty and vulnerability. Mark's reassurance resonated deeply with Yuta. He had always admired Mark's grounded nature and wisdom. His words offered a flicker of courage, a tiny spark of belief in the possibility of something more.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now