Stay With Me P.172 (Xiaomin)💖

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In the dimly lit practice room, the air was thick with tension as Xiaojun and the members of WayV found themselves in the midst of a heated argument. Their voices clashed like waves crashing against each other, each word carrying its own weight of frustration and exasperation. The room seemed to shrink with every raised voice, and Xiaojun could feel his temper reaching its boiling point.

"Come on, guys, can we please just focus on the choreography?" Xiaojun finally snapped, his patience wearing thin. He cast a frustrated glance at the rest of WayV, his eyes locking with Ten's, who was equally irritated. It had been like this for weeks now, and Xiaojun was at his wit's end.

But in the midst of the chaos, Jaemin from NCT approached the group with his usual serene expression. He had always been a calming presence in the room, and his quiet yet confident demeanor had drawn Xiaojun's attention since the infamous VLive in 2020. That was when everything had started to change.

Jaemin had been the one to break the ice that day, his gentle smile and easygoing nature creating a stark contrast to the awkwardness that had prevailed. He struck up a conversation with Xiaojun, who had initially felt embarrassed by the teasing he had endured. Jaemin, however, was different. He didn't mock or make fun of Xiaojun; instead, he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know him.

It had taken Xiaojun some time to warm up to Jaemin's overtures of friendship, but gradually, they had started to spend more time together. Jaemin's persistence in trying to get close to Xiaojun was unmistakable, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by the rest of WayV. They often teased Xiaojun about it, which only served to make him feel more self-conscious.

One aspect of their growing friendship, however, had been particularly challenging for Xiaojun – Jaemin's tendency to initiate physical contact. Jaemin was a touchy-feely person, always hugging, patting, or holding hands with his friends. While this kind of skinship was common among idols, Xiaojun wasn't accustomed to it. He came from a background where physical affection was reserved for close family members, and the sudden influx of it from Jaemin had left him feeling awkward and unsure.

Jaemin, on the other hand, saw physical touch as a way to express affection and closeness. He didn't think twice about reaching out to hold Xiaojun's hand or wrap an arm around his shoulder. Each time he did, he hoped that Xiaojun would get more comfortable with it, but it was evident that his attempts at skinship made Xiaojun uneasy. Despite the awkwardness surrounding physical touch, Xiaojun couldn't deny the warmth that gradually blossomed between them. Jaemin's kindness and unwavering support during difficult times had started to chip away at Xiaojun's defenses. He had begun to appreciate the comfort of Jaemin's presence and the way their personalities complemented each other. Xiaojun was quiet and reserved, while Jaemin was outgoing and friendly. They were like two halves of a whole.


As the days turned into months and then years, Xiaojun found himself looking forward to seeing Jaemin more and more. He couldn't help but smile when he heard Jaemin's laughter or felt his hand on his shoulder during practice. It was a silent struggle, one that Xiaojun hadn't anticipated – his growing feelings for Jaemin. And so, in the year 2023, when the argument with WayV reached its peak, Xiaojun couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He had been bottling up his feelings for far too long, and now they threatened to overflow like a dammed river. As the words of frustration spilled from his lips, there was a moment of stunned silence in the room.

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