Stay With Me P. 87 (Kunyang)💖

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The debuting era of WayV was an exciting yet challenging time for all the members. Kun, the oldest and the leader of the group, had taken it upon himself to guide and support the younger members through their journey to stardom. Among these younger members was Yangyang, a mischievous and free-spirited boy who loved to tease and push boundaries. Their friendship during those early days was a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with ups and downs, laughter and frustration.

As the group prepared for their debut, tensions often ran high. The pressure to succeed weighed heavily on Kun's shoulders, and he felt responsible for not only the success of WayV but also the well-being of his members. This sense of responsibility made him diligent and focused, but it also made him prone to stress and impatience.

Yangyang, on the other hand, had a carefree and playful personality. He enjoyed teasing his fellow members, especially Kun. He found it amusing to see how Kun's calm and collected demeanor would crack under his playful banter. At first, Kun took it all in stride, understanding that it was part of Yangyang's nature. He believed that the younger boy would eventually grow out of it.

But as time went on and the teasing continued, Kun's patience began to wear thin. He would often find himself snapping at Yangyang, frustrated by the constant provocations. Off-screen, their interactions were becoming strained, and it was clear to everyone that their friendship was facing a serious challenge.

Yangyang, though mischievous, was not blind to Kun's growing frustration. He could see the change in Kun's demeanor and sensed that their friendship was in jeopardy. One evening, after a particularly heated argument, Yangyang decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached Kun, his expression more serious than usual.

"Kun ge," Yangyang began cautiously, using the term of respect he reserved for their leader. "I'm sorry if I've been getting on your nerves lately. I didn't mean to push you so much. It's just...I didn't know how to get your attention."

Kun raised an eyebrow, surprised by Yangyang's sincerity. "What do you mean?"

Yangyang sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I guess I wanted you to notice me more. I thought that by teasing you, I could get a reaction out of you. But I see now that it was a mistake."

Kun's frustration began to give way to understanding. He realized that Yangyang's antics were not meant to annoy him but were instead a misguided attempt to connect. It was a revelation that softened his heart, and he placed a hand on Yangyang's shoulder.

"Yangyang, you don't have to resort to teasing to get my attention," Kun said gently. "I'm here for you, and I care about you a lot. We're a team, and we should support each other."

Yangyang smiled, relief washing over him. "Thanks, Kun ge. I'm sorry for being so annoying."

Kun chuckled, ruffling Yangyang's hair affectionately. "It's okay. We all make mistakes. Just remember, you can always talk to me if you want to share something or need my attention."

Their conversation marked a turning point in their friendship. Yangyang still teased Kun from time to time, but it became more light-hearted, a way to maintain their playful dynamic without causing any real harm. Kun, in turn, made an effort to be more patient and understanding, realizing that Yangyang's teasing was a way for him to express himself.

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