Stay With Me P.136 (Jaedery)💖

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Hendery had always been the kind of guy who prided himself on being confident. He strutted through life with a smile on his face, never letting anything get to him. But there was one person who had always managed to make him feel small, someone who had an aura so intimidating that it made Hendery's usual swagger falter.

That person was Jaehyun, a fellow member of NCT. From the moment Hendery had joined the group, he couldn't help but be in awe of Jaehyun. The older boy had an air of coolness that seemed to surround him like a force field. He was effortlessly handsome, with sharp features and a gaze that could make anyone feel self-conscious.

It didn't help that Jaehyun was incredibly talented. He could sing like an angel and dance like a pro. Hendery, on the other hand, felt like he was constantly struggling to keep up. He had his own strengths, of course, but whenever he was in the same room as Jaehyun, he couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. The first time they officially met, Hendery was a bundle of nerves. It was during a group practice session, and Hendery had been trying his best to blend in, to prove that he deserved to be there. But when Jaehyun walked in, all eyes turned to him, and Hendery felt like he was invisible in comparison.

Jaehyun's voice was smooth as silk as he greeted everyone, and Hendery couldn't help but stare. He had seen Jaehyun's videos online and had heard his music, but seeing him in person was an entirely different experience. Jaehyun was even more striking up close, and Hendery couldn't tear his eyes away.


As the weeks went by, Hendery tried to get to know Jaehyun better. He would strike up conversations whenever he could, but it always felt like he was stumbling over his words. Jaehyun was polite and friendly, but he was also reserved. It was as if he had a wall around him that no one could breach. Hendery couldn't understand why Jaehyun had such an effect on him. He had met plenty of talented and good-looking people in the entertainment industry, but none of them had made him feel this way. He felt like a teenager with a crush, and it was both exhilarating and frustrating.

One day, Hendery overheard Jaehyun talking to one of the other members about his love for video games. Hendery was an avid gamer himself, and he saw an opportunity to finally connect with Jaehyun on a deeper level.

He approached Jaehyun with a grin. "I heard you're into video games," he said.

Jaehyun looked surprised but then smiled. "Yeah, I am. Do you play too?"

Hendery nodded enthusiastically. "I'm a bit of a gamer myself. Maybe we could play together sometime?"

To his delight, Jaehyun agreed, and they set a date to meet up for some gaming. Hendery was excited beyond words. This was his chance to finally get to know Jaehyun better and show him that he was more than just the nervous kid who couldn't speak in his presence. When the day of their gaming session arrived, Hendery couldn't contain his excitement. He had spent hours practicing his favorite games to make sure he could impress Jaehyun. He arrived at Jaehyun's place with a bag full of snacks and a heart full of hope.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now