Stay With Me P.80 (Sungtaro) 💖

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Shotaro had just entered the new building, nerve wrecking and everything else to him. He can't believe he just got accepted to be an idol, something he never really knew he dreamed of until now. And he can now make it true. Entering the building he cannot believe he is doing this.

And that is when Shotaro first seen him, his doe like eyes. And his gorgeous soft and fluffy hair. It made Shotaro have to double look at the said male that is standing in the practice room.

"Hi Shotaro," bows LeeSoMan with a smile, "this is Sungchan and you guys are going to be training together to be announced into NCT during their 2020 yearbook, please look after each other well."

Bowing slightly at the other male, you could smell the tension in the room of the two.

But for sure, Shotaro is definitely excited for what is to come.


And for the next few weeks, the two continue to practice together. Dancing together for the first time. Sungchan had stopped from surprisement and awe of the other that is currently dancing.

"Shotaro hyung you dance amazingly well," comments Sungchan.

Blushing slightly, Shotaro is use to everyone complimenting his dancing skills. But for some odd reason Sungchan made him feel embarrassed and slightly giddy.

"Thank you Sungchan-ah, you will to just keep practicing," Shotaro smiles his bright smile at the other.

Sungchan is standing there for a moment, biting at his lip staring at the other. He is an awe of just how gorgeous the other in. And watching Sungchan's face made Shotaro feel shy.

"Maybe, I can help you will dancing if you help me with Korean," Shotaro looks at the other when they finally decide to sit down and drink some water.

Nodding his head, Sungchan is staring at the other. Which he has been doing since he first watched Shotaro danced, not really saying a lot.

It was definitely starting to make Shotaro feel awkward.

"Ok," smiles Shotaro, "lets start as soon as possible."


And a while has started to pass, Sungchan and Shotaro were spending a lot of time together training together. Finally, the awkward tension has started to flew away between the two and became more playful and banterish.

"Ah hyung," giggles Sungchan smacking Shotaro's arm.

Currently, they were messing around and dancing to TikTok sounds. And having a great time in the meanwhile.

Of course, Shotaro had to show how much of a TikTok boy he was before he joined SM, and that for some odd reason gave Sungchan so much amusement. And Shotaro was starting to love the sound of the other laughing. The way he would cover his mouth when he would get into a laughing fit, and the soft way he would laugh and get all shy and embarrassed.

It started to do a lot of weird things to Shotaro's heart that he couldn't really explain. But he knew that he was starting to really like.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now