Stay With Me P.190 (Noyong)💖

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As NCT 2020's performance of "Misfit" began, Jeno stood backstage, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and pride. He couldn't believe how far he and his boyfriend Taeyong had come in their careers. Taeyong was always his source of inspiration and admiration, not just because of his incredible rapping skills, but also because of the duality of his personality. Offstage, Taeyong was the sweetest, most affectionate boyfriend Jeno could ask for. He loved to cuddle, give Jeno kisses, and shower him with affection. But when he stepped onto that stage, Taeyong transformed into someone entirely different, someone cool, charismatic, and enigmatic.

The dimly lit backstage area was abuzz with activity. Dancers stretched, makeup artists rushed to apply final touches, and Jeno could hear the distant hum of the audience as they eagerly awaited the show. NCT's reputation was built on their electrifying performances, and "Misfit" was one of the most highly anticipated numbers of the night.

Jeno leaned against the wall, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He watched Taeyong, who was in deep conversation with his fellow members. The two of them shared a knowing look, a silent reassurance of their support for each other. Jeno knew that when Taeyong was on stage, he'd be untouchable, the epitome of coolness.

As the music began, the crowd's roar intensified, and Jeno felt a surge of pride. He couldn't help but steal a glance at Taeyong, who was now on stage, bathed in dramatic lighting. The transformation was startling. Offstage, Taeyong was his sweet and cuddly boyfriend, but now, he was an enigmatic rap god, exuding confidence and charisma. His sharp, focused gaze held the audience captive as he began to spit rapid-fire lyrics.

Jeno marveled at the contrast, the duality of Taeyong's persona. He knew that his boyfriend's stage presence was a result of years of hard work, dedication, and passion for his craft. Jeno's heart swelled with emotion as he watched Taeyong command the stage. It was impossible not to feel proud and awestruck at that moment.

As the rap verse in "Misfit" continued, Taeyong's performance grew even more intense. His movements were precise, every word he uttered was infused with raw emotion, and he owned the stage as if it were an extension of himself. Jeno could see the sweat glistening on Taeyong's forehead, evidence of the immense effort he was putting into the performance.

The theme of struggle was palpable in Taeyong's delivery. It was as if he was baring his soul on that stage, letting the audience into his inner world. Jeno felt a pang of empathy as he wondered about the personal struggles and challenges Taeyong had faced to reach this point in his career. He knew that the path to success in the fiercely competitive K-pop industry was fraught with obstacles, and Taeyong had certainly experienced his share of them. As the song reached its climax, Taeyong delivered a powerful crescendo of lyrics that left the audience in awe. The energy in the arena was electrifying, and Jeno couldn't help but smile. He had fallen in love with Taeyong all over again, not just for his charming and affectionate offstage persona, but for the incredible artist he became on stage.

The moment the performance ended, Jeno rushed to the stage entrance, ready to congratulate Taeyong. He knew that after the adrenaline rush of performing, Taeyong would be looking for the comfort and support of his boyfriend. Taeyong walked off the stage, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. His cool onstage demeanor slowly gave way to a more vulnerable and real expression. Jeno was quick to approach him, wrapping his arms around Taeyong in a tight hug. He pressed a gentle kiss to Taeyong's forehead, knowing that this was what Taeyong needed after the intense performance.

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