Stay With Me P.7(YuMark)💖

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Yuta has never been the type to be overly clingy. He actually has always understood why everyone hates it, skin touching each other, sweat dripping from one skin to the other. Breathing right next to one anothers ears. It is too much for the other.

However, there is one person he will be clingy towards; and that person is Mark Lee. His boyfriend. No you are not reading wrong, you do not need to adjust the bright settings on your phone.

Mark Lee is HIS boyfriend, and he loves to show the younger as much attention as ever. Even though sometimes the younger hates it.


It was practice for Superhuman and everything had went fine. So when everyone was sitting around for their break, Yuta had Mark sitting on his lap (after he brought the younger down to do so) and he was playing with Mark's hair. It didn't affect the younger really he loves the attention. He just knows how Yuta is and is quite surprised with him.

With little pecks behind the ear and hands running through his hair gently he felt like he was being lulled to sleep forcefully keeping his eyes open wanting to latch onto the comfortance of his boyfriend.

The other members around were confused, they knew the two are dating however they never showed much skinship around them.

But looking at the two, Mark slowly and accidentally falling asleep on Yuta's lap, an arm around Mark's waist and a hand through his hand. It warmed their hearts to see the two being so precious of a couple. And with that Yuta fell asleep not long after him as well.

"Remind me to barf at home with how cute they are" laughs Johnny.

"So precious" smiles Sicheng.

"Ok, ok everyone come on lets leave them be" laughs Taeyong as he chases everyone away from the couple.

And drifting a blanket over the two, he smiles at the two softly.


It was later on that day when Yuta finally woke up and the practice room being dark. No one around, he understands they left the two to sleep. Knowing he can't carry the younger out his only option is to wake him.

And waking up the younger is a hassle, whining softly he hates having to wake him.

"Hyung let me sleep" he drags out.

"Its time to go home and go to bed Markie" he caresses his hair.

With a whine, Mark gets up as well as Yuta and they walk home side by side. And when they get the dorm, Mark heads right to his room, leaving Yuta in the kitchen to eat.

"I seen you two" comments Taeyong.

A small awkward chuckle escapes Yutas lips.

"You two are adorable. Take care of him" patting his shoulder Taeyong exits the room.

So grabbing a quick snack and a drink he heads to his and Marks room. Laying down by the other whom is already asleep. Arms around the younger cuddling up behind him, its times like these he's completely in love with Mark Lee.


And then there's times, he's not so much in love with Mark Lee. Well that is an understatement he loves Mark Lee but there are times the other showed he wasn't big on skinship.

"Hey Mark" smiles Yuta slinging an arm around the other. It was the filming for Cherry Bomb and the two hadn't been going out long.

"Hi Yuta-hyung" awkwardly smiles Mark, removing the arm that was around him.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now