Stay with me p.6 (Domark)💖

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It was a cold and winter day, Doyoung sat in the middle of his and Marks shared bed. Shamefully the younger went out to help Johnny with his vlog. But Doyoung just really wanted to stay home anyway, so aside from his slight jealousy, he lays on the bed covering himself up cozily in the blankets.

And it got him to thinking. When him and Mark had first met it was a grand time for the two really.


It was the summer and Lee-SooMan had just accepted the new people for his group. Turning out to be sixteen members. And upon those sixteen being Mark and Doyoung.

The first second Doyoung seen Mark, he smiled at the younger. He felt like now he had to take on a family role for the other. Hugging the other for the first meeting, Doyoung realized how special this kid was going to be.

Even when he had to sit there, and watch Mark be antisocial around the new group. Wanting to hide behind Doyoung as the others introduced themselves. Doyoung helped the boy be social despite his distaste towards it.


Doyoung smiles, he remembers when he first found out the other hated skinship. He was really confused, however he understood Mark was from Canada. However, that didn't stop him from trying. He smiles remembering he didn't give up even when the younger practically shooved the older away. But he didn't get hurt, not once.


It was the fjrst week in the new dorms, and Dyoung had good skinship with everyone except Mark. Even with being the savage bunny he was known as, he had his soft moments around the members. And he even always secretly pouted when Mark refused his skinship.

Doyoung would put his arm around the other, Mark pushed it away.

He tried to hold the others hand, Mark put them in his pockets.

He would even as far as going to hugging the other, almost making it impossible to escape. Mark just pushed him away.

Doyoung always left with a sad smile, he wanted Mark to accept it. And he even kept trying.

Despite every push hurt.

Every scoff, dug.

He smiled and just kept trying until he got through with the younger. Even when sometimes he'd go back to the dorm in tears. Wondering if the younger hated him.

Doyoun felt like a parental figure to him.

He needed Mark to trust him, and skinship was always a start for Doyoung. Once someone accepted his skinship, they accepted him. And it hurt, it felt like Mark didn't accept him. So at night he'd cry it out silently for the others to not worry. And the next day he'd try again, more skinship and more pain with Mark.


Doyoung smiles, he remembers the day he finally talked to Mark about it. He even remembers the youngers response. Because he talked to the younger it had actually changed their relationship for the better. And Doyoung will forever be grateful for that day.


"Hey Markie?" Asks Doyoung softly. He didn't want to scare the other.

Mark turns around and smiles at his hyung "hi hyung! What's up?"

"I know you don't mean it Markie... but I know you don't like skinship. I just feel closer to someone when I do skinship. And I want to be close to you" the older explains delicately, incase not to say anything to upset the other.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now