Stay With Me P.21 (Yangdery) 💖

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Yangyang was doing his normal chaotic things. Aka, dancing. Him and Xiao Jun laughing at the madness they were doing.

"Yangie," Hendery pouts towards the others direction.

"Cuddles?" He reaches his arms out in a grabby motion.

Yangyang being him, he stops whatever he is doing to go to his Hendery. Wrapping an arm around his waist with adorable smile full on blast to be seen.

"My adorable Henny," he smiles up at the other.

"I love my Yangie," Hendery touches noses with the younger.

"Nasty," snorts Xiao Jun.

"Oh, go back to your Kun and shush," Hendery sticks his tongue out to the other.

Giggling, Yangyang grabs the others arm and pulling him to the floor of the dance studio. Wrapping his arms around the others waist. A peaceful atmosphere around the young couple. They never felt happier than being in this moment with each other.

"Henny," Yangyang calls out in a small voice.

"Yes Yangie," Hendery carts one of his hands through the soft locks of the others hair.

"I still remember the days before today," he smiles, "like before we were together."

"Yeah?" Hendery laughs his adorable squeaky laugh.

"Yeah," Yangyang whispers out with a small blush on his face.

Hendery laughs an awkward squeak of a laugh. Something that always made a smile appear of Yangyangs face no matter what was going on. Hell, he could be mad at Hendery, but once he heard his laughs. It's over.

And he loves Hendery for it.

"Don't you remember Henny," he asks looking at the others sparkly eyes.

"Of course I do Yangie. It would take me a life time to forget everything between us," Yanyang smiles a breathtaking smile at the information at hand.


It was right after the two had been accepted into SM. Both being nervous as either knew a drop of Korean, but that didn't matter.

"Hi," Kun greets the three at the door.

There beside Yangyang stood one boy with sharp features and one with more prince like elegant features. Looking at both of their side profiles he realized they were both incredibly gorgeous males.

"Hi, I'm Xiao Jun," the one with sharp features introduces first.

"Im Hendery," the one with prince like features follows behind.

"I'm Yangyang," YangYang introduces himself last.

"Well, welcome to SM. I truly hope we can debut together," Kun flashes his adorable smile. Leaving the three in one of the rooms.


Through out that time, Yangyang noticed one thing; how close NCT were. Like truly, everything was getting close to one another after being told about this group they would be in.

It was thrilling and chilling to Yangyang. He noticed how Hendery and Xiao Jun were instantly close. And it made Yangyang upset to see how close the two were; because he wanted to be right there beside them.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now