Stay With Me P.92 (Lujun)💖

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Lucas and Xiaojun were the kind of couple that made everyone around them believe in the power of love. They had that special kind of chemistry that seemed to transcend the ordinary, and their relationship was the envy of all their friends. But what most people didn't know was that their love story had a delightful twist.

Off-camera, Lucas and Xiaojun were like two peas in a pod. They were inseparable, always going on romantic dates, hanging out at their favorite spots, and cuddling up together to watch movies before bed. Their connection was electric, their laughter infectious, and their love genuine. They were the epitome of a perfect couple, and their friends often marveled at how lucky they were to have found each other.

One warm summer evening, Lucas and Xiaojun decided to take a stroll along the beach. They held hands, their fingers interlaced, and walked along the shoreline, their feet sinking into the soft, warm sand. The sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, and the waves whispered secrets to the shore.

Lucas turned to Xiaojun, his eyes filled with affection. "You know, I love moments like this," he said, his voice soft like the breeze. "Just you and me, the sound of the waves, and the feeling of your hand in mine."

Xiaojun smiled, his heart swelling with emotion. "I love it too, Lucas. It's moments like these that make me realize how lucky I am to have you in my life."

They stopped to watch the sun dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the water. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little paradise. As they continued their walk, they passed a group of friends who were out for a beach picnic. Lucas and Xiaojun were known for their playfulness and camaraderie, and their friends couldn't resist teasing them.

"Hey, lovebirds!" shouted Mark, one of their closest friends. "You two are so disgustingly sweet together. Do you ever fight?"

Lucas and Xiaojun exchanged a knowing glance before bursting into laughter. "Of course, we do!" Lucas replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "We fight over who gets the last slice of pizza."

Their friends laughed along with them, and the teasing continued as they all sat down for a beachside picnic. But Lucas and Xiaojun's secret remained hidden beneath the surface.

Back on camera, Lucas and Xiaojun were a different story. They had a carefully crafted dynamic that had everyone convinced they were just best friends. Lucas, in particular, loved to tease Xiaojun mercilessly, and Xiaojun played along, their banter a constant source of entertainment for their fans.


One evening, while shooting a video for their popular YouTube channel, Lucas couldn't resist poking fun at Xiaojun. They were in the middle of a cooking challenge, and Lucas had just accidentally spilled flour all over the kitchen counter.

"Oops!" Lucas exclaimed, a mischievous grin on his face. "Looks like I've made a mess. Xiaojun, you're going to have to clean this up!"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now