Stay With Me P. 105 (Chenmin)💖

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In the glittering world of K-pop, where fame and fortune shine like a distant dream, two stars stood out among the constellation of idols. Chenle and Jaemin, members of the immensely popular group NCT Dream, were like night and day on stage. Their performances were a synchronized dance of smiles, laughter, and brotherly camaraderie, leaving fans in awe of their chemistry.

But what fans didn't know was that their connection ran far deeper than what the cameras captured. Behind the scenes, Chenle and Jaemin shared a secret that bound them closer than any spotlight ever could. They were not just bandmates; they were in love.

The truth was known to only a select few within the group. Their members, who had witnessed their relationship blossom, were the keepers of this precious secret. It wasn't a matter of hiding it from their fans because they didn't trust them; rather, it was a matter of preserving something beautiful that was just for them. In the world of K-pop, where image was everything, keeping their love hidden was a way of protecting it from the prying eyes of the media and the scrutiny of the public.

Chenle and Jaemin's love story had its roots in their early days as trainees. They had both joined SM Entertainment at a young age, full of dreams and aspirations. Chenle, the Chinese prince with a voice that could melt hearts, and Jaemin, the Korean heartthrob with a smile that could launch a thousand ships, had been paired together for their training.

At first, they were just two boys chasing the same dream, practicing long hours, and enduring the grueling hardships of training. But as time passed, something shifted between them. It was a subtle change, like the slow turning of seasons, almost imperceptible at first, but undeniable in its presence.

Their conversations turned from mere hellos to late-night talks about their fears and hopes. They shared their dreams, their doubts, and their insecurities. Chenle found solace in Jaemin's reassuring words, and Jaemin found laughter in Chenle's witty jokes. They became each other's confidants in a world that demanded perfection.


One fateful night, as they sat on the rooftop of their training facility, the stars above them seemed to align. Chenle, gazing at the night sky, suddenly blurted out, "Jaemin, do you believe in fate?"

Jaemin turned to him, a smile playing on his lips. "Of course, I do. Why do you ask?"

Chenle sighed, his voice soft in the stillness of the night. "I think we were meant to meet here, to go through all of this together."

Jaemin's heart skipped a beat as he looked into Chenle's eyes, which sparkled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Chenle," he said, his voice equally soft, "I believe in fate too. And I'm grateful for it, because it brought you into my life."

That night, under the canvas of stars, they shared their first kiss—a gentle, lingering exchange of feelings that sealed a bond neither of them could deny.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now