Stay With Me P.65 (Yutae)💖

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue across the practice room as NCT members gathered for their daily rehearsal. Among the group, Yuta and Taeyong stood on opposite ends of the room, their dynamic as familiar as the steps they practiced. Yuta, known for his playful banter and lighthearted demeanor, had always found amusement in teasing Taeyong. It was almost second nature to him, a way to bridge the gap between their personalities.

"Hey, Taeyong, did you borrow your fashion sense from a scarecrow today?" Yuta's voice carried easily across the room, earning a chuckle from some of the other members.

Taeyong's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, but he brushed off the comment with a roll of his eyes. "At least I don't look like I raided a fashion magazine from the '80s, Yuta."

Laughter erupted from the members, and even Yuta couldn't help but crack a grin. He winked at Taeyong, the friendly fire of their banter lighting up the room. But as Yuta's eyes met Taeyong's, he noticed a flicker of discomfort hidden beneath the facade of amusement. It was a fleeting glimpse, but it tugged at something within him.

Later that evening, as the members hung out in the dorm, Yuta found himself sitting next to Taeyong on the couch. The TV played in the background, but Yuta's attention was on the subtle change in Taeyong's demeanor. He seemed distant, lost in his own thoughts.

"Hey, Taeyong," Yuta began tentatively, "you okay?"

Taeyong's head snapped up, surprise etching his features for a brief moment before he masked it with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from practice."

Yuta's instincts screamed that there was more to it, but he decided not to press further. Instead, he leaned back, allowing a comfortable silence to envelop them. From the corner of his eye, he saw Taeyong steal a glance at him before his gaze returned to the TV screen. Yuta's heart stirred, a strange mixture of concern and something else he couldn't quite decipher.


Over the next few weeks, Yuta found himself paying more attention to Taeyong, both during practice and offstage. He noticed the way Taeyong's shoulders tensed during particularly grueling routines, the faint lines that appeared between his brows when he was deep in thought. It was as if a new layer of Taeyong was revealing itself, one that Yuta had never bothered to explore before.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop of their dorm, the city lights painting a breathtaking panorama before them, Yuta decided to delve deeper. The sky was a canvas of stars, each one a shimmering reminder of how vast the world was beyond their idol lives.

"Taeyong," Yuta's voice was soft, carrying a sincerity that surprised even him, "we've been together for a while now, haven't we?"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now