Stay With Me P.111 (Tenhyuck)💖

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Ten and Donghyuck had a relationship that was far from ordinary. To outsiders, they seemed like a couple perpetually on the verge of a breakup, always bickering and arguing over the smallest things. Their friends and acquaintances often wondered aloud whether they were really a couple at all. But what most people didn't see were the sweet moments that happened behind closed doors, the moments that bound them together even tighter amidst the constant turmoil.

Their love story had begun in a way that neither of them had expected. They met at a college party, where Ten had been dragged along by his roommate, Mark, and Donghyuck had come with his best friend, Jeno. It had been a typical college party, loud music, dimly lit rooms, and a sea of unfamiliar faces. Ten and Donghyuck had both been standing by the refreshment table, avoiding the chaos on the dance floor.

Ten, with his jet-black hair and an air of indifference, had caught Donghyuck's eye immediately. Donghyuck, with his mischievous smile and sparkling eyes, had intrigued Ten. They struck up a conversation, which had quickly turned into a debate over the best pizza toppings. Ten argued for classic pepperoni, while Donghyuck championed the cause of pineapple and ham.

Their spirited disagreement had attracted the attention of those around them, and soon, a small crowd had gathered, taking sides in the great pizza topping debate. As the debate raged on, both Ten and Donghyuck realized they had met their match in each other. They were both stubborn, opinionated, and fiercely competitive. The debate eventually ended in a tie, with neither of them willing to concede defeat. But instead of parting ways, they decided to continue their argument over coffee the next day. That coffee date turned into a second date, and then a third, and before they knew it, they were spending all their free time together.

But it wasn't long before their differences started to surface. Ten was meticulous and organized, while Donghyuck was carefree and spontaneous. Ten loved classical music and art galleries, while Donghyuck preferred rock concerts and street art. Ten liked to plan everything down to the last detail, while Donghyuck was more of a "go with the flow" kind of person. Their clashes began with trivial matters—like where to eat for dinner or what movie to watch—but soon escalated into full-blown arguments. It seemed like they disagreed on everything, from the best way to fold laundry to the proper way to load the dishwasher. Their friends couldn't understand how they managed to stay together, and even Ten and Donghyuck themselves sometimes questioned whether they were compatible.

But what no one saw were the moments of tenderness and understanding that existed beneath the surface of their constant bickering. It was in the way Ten would make Donghyuck's favorite breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning, even though it meant waking up early. It was in the way Donghyuck would surprise Ten with tickets to a classical music concert, even though he had no interest in it himself.

Their fights were fiery and passionate, but so were their reconciliations. After a heated argument, they would often retreat to their separate corners, fuming with anger. But it was only a matter of time before one of them would cave, unable to stand the distance any longer. Ten would often be the one to make the first move, unable to bear the silence any longer. He would approach Donghyuck, his voice soft and contrite, and they would talk it out, their words filled with apologies and promises to do better.

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