Stay With Me P.149 (Kunmin)💖

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Kun's heart raced as he watched Jaemin struggle to move with his leg in a cast. It was a mundane accident, slipping on a banana peel of all things, but the consequences were far from ordinary. Kun had always admired Jaemin's resilience, and now, seeing him dealing with a broken leg, he felt a surge of empathy. Jaemin, who had been a whirlwind of energy, was suddenly subdued, relying on crutches to get around.

Kun didn't think twice before offering his help. He had seen the rest of NCT Dream rally around Jaemin as well, but there was something different in the way Kun approached it. He didn't just want to be another friend offering assistance; he wanted to be the one Jaemin could depend on, the one who could make a difference in his life.

"Jaemin, don't hesitate to ask for anything," Kun told him sincerely. "I'm here for you."

Jaemin flashed a grateful smile, and that was the beginning of their journey together, a journey marked by quiet moments, shared laughter, and a growing bond. Kun would help Jaemin with the simplest of tasks, from fetching a glass of water to carrying his books. He would sit by Jaemin's bedside, chatting about everything under the sun to distract him from the pain.


As days turned into weeks, they fell into a comfortable routine. Jaemin's leg slowly healed, but his friendship with Kun only grew stronger. They discovered shared interests, exchanged music recommendations, and talked about their dreams and fears late into the night. Kun felt his own heart opening up, something he hadn't anticipated when he had initially offered his help.

One evening, as they sat on Jaemin's couch, watching a movie, Kun found himself unable to concentrate. The TV screen was a blur as he stole glances at Jaemin, who was engrossed in the film. The dim lighting cast a soft glow on Jaemin's face, accentuating his features. Kun couldn't help but think about how much he admired this young man, not just for his talent and charisma but for his resilience and kindness. The movie ended, but Kun's thoughts remained tangled. He realized he was no longer just helping Jaemin out of kindness. He had developed feelings for him, feelings he couldn't ignore any longer. It was a confusing revelation. He had always prided himself on being level-headed and composed, but now, he found himself caught in the whirlwind of emotions.

The next day, Kun tried to distance himself from Jaemin, convincing himself it was for the best. He couldn't let these feelings jeopardize their friendship, not after everything they had been through. But as he stayed away, he realized he missed Jaemin's presence more than he could have ever imagined.

Weeks passed, and Kun found himself torn between his desire to be with Jaemin and his fear of ruining what they had. It was during NCT 2020 when they were all together again that Kun's inner turmoil reached its peak. Jaemin was as charming and energetic as ever, and Kun couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when he saw how easily Jaemin interacted with the others.

He tried to put on a smile, to act like everything was normal, but every moment spent apart from Jaemin was a struggle. The internal battle between his emotions and his desire to maintain their friendship was tearing him apart. One night, after a group dinner, Kun and Jaemin found themselves alone on the balcony of their shared accommodation. The cool breeze rustled through the trees, and the distant city lights created a serene backdrop.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now