Stay With Me P.139 (Woodery)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, where dreams intertwined with talent, and friendships forged under the spotlight, two young men found themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions and desires. Jungwoo and Hendery, both members of NCT, had their paths cross during the electrifying collaborations of 2020. It was a year marked by challenges and a constant struggle to prove their worth in the unforgiving entertainment industry.

The first time Jungwoo laid eyes on Hendery, it was during a rehearsal for "Work It," a song that had taken the K-pop scene by storm. The dance practice room was bathed in neon lights, casting a surreal glow on the talented performers. Hendery's charisma and captivating presence immediately drew Jungwoo's attention. He was effortlessly cool, his every move oozing confidence. The way he danced, the way he interacted with other members – it was impossible not to be drawn to him.

Jungwoo, on the other hand, was known for his exceptional vocals. He had the kind of voice that could make hearts ache and spirits soar. But amidst the whirlwind of rehearsals and performances, he often felt overshadowed by the more extroverted members of NCT. Yuta and Johnny, in particular, had a close bond with Hendery, their shared interests and humor creating an unbreakable trio.


As days turned into weeks and the collaborations continued, Jungwoo found himself stealing glances at Hendery whenever he could. He watched as Yuta and Johnny laughed with Hendery, their camaraderie evident in their every interaction. A pang of jealousy gnawed at him, making him wish he could be the one to share those moments with Hendery.

Nights were often sleepless for Jungwoo, his mind filled with thoughts of Hendery. He would toss and turn in his bunk, his heart aching with the knowledge that he was falling for someone who seemed so unattainable. He'd wonder why Hendery didn't seem to notice him beyond his vocal talents. But he couldn't bring himself to confess his feelings. He was afraid of ruining the harmony within the group and feared rejection more than anything.

One evening, as they prepared for another performance, the tension in the dressing room was palpable. Jungwoo had been particularly distant, lost in his own thoughts. Yuta and Johnny exchanged concerned glances, knowing something was amiss.

"What's going on with Jungwoo?" Johnny whispered to Yuta, their voices hushed in the confined space.

Yuta shrugged, his eyes flicking towards Jungwoo, who was absentmindedly tracing patterns on his costume with his finger. "I don't know, but he's been acting weird lately. Maybe we should talk to him."

Hendery, who had been applying his makeup, overheard their conversation and couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He valued his friendship with Jungwoo, and the thought of something being wrong with him weighed on his mind.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now