Stay With Me P.20 (KunJun) 💖

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Xiao Jun lays with his body wrapped around Kun. A cold tingle in the air as the two cuddle close to each other. No words need to be said between the couple.

"Kun?" Xiao Jun is the first one to interrupt the silence.

"Yes?" Kun answers, a small groan in his voice.

"I just want to talk to you about a few things," Xiao Jun states in a small voice. Fear in his voice he is being annoying.

He knows the time is around three in the morning. And he can't really sleep, and he just has so much in his head. He needs someone to rant to about it all.

"What's wrong Junnie?" Kun asks, more coherent in his voice.

"I just wanted to talk about like the past I guess," Xiao Jun answers in a small voice.

"About what in the past Junnie?" Kun asks.

"Just. Everything that has happened between us. I guess, I just can't sleep and I need to rant to you." Xiao Jun states in a small voice.

"Well tell and rant away Junnie. I'll listen," Kun sits up slightly in the bed.

Bringing Xiao Jun up in his arms. The others back against his chest in a warm harmony. Kuns arms wrapped tightly around his waist in a secure like feeling.

"I guess its just, like NCT and us being together. All of it together is just crazy and I guess sometimes I didn't see all of this coming," Xiao Jun begins.

"Yes?" Kun asks in a small and quiet voice. Afraid anything louder, he doesn't want to scare the other.

"I don't know," he blushes looking anywhere.

"Come on don't be afraid to talk to me Junnie," Kun rubs a comforting hand on the others back.

"I know, its just," Xiao Jun feels small pricks to his eyes.

Xiao Jun has always been a more emotional person. And at most times, it's more of a cursing than a good thing. Like in this current moment, he couldn't stop the emotions inside of him.

"Take your time Junnie," Kun still states in a small voice.


It was right around the time Xiao Jun got accepted into SM. It felt like a dream, especially after everything he has been through. All the nights and days and all the survival shows hes been through. He finally got accepted into a company that would debut him.

He cried that day to his family. He couldn't believe this was all happening right now.

"Junnie," his mom looks at him carefully.

It was later that night, he was laying in his bed. His mom sitting beside, the covers surrounding him. She was careful of what she was going to say knowing how vulnerable her son was at the moment. After all the tears and the emotional heart ache he has been having all day.

"Yes mom?" He asks in a soft voice.

"Remember dear. I don't want you getting hurt. So promise me not to date anyone in your group. Ok?" She asks in a small voice.

Knowing all the heart ache Xiao Jun had been through. She didn't want to see her son upset again.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now