Stay With Me P.175 (Renyang)💖

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In the vibrant world of NCT, where music, dance, and camaraderie were the daily rhythms, two members stood out for their unique friendship and unspoken connection. Renjun and Yangyang had shared an undeniable bond since the beginning of Yangyang's journey with NCT. Their story, however, was not one of immediate camaraderie; rather, it was a tale of awkward beginnings, teasing banter, and the quiet evolution of emotions.

As Renjun sat backstage, glancing at his reflection in the dressing room mirror, he couldn't help but think about the journey they had taken. It all began with Chenle, one of Renjun's closest friends in the group, who had introduced Yangyang to their NCT family. Chenle had always been the bridge between the two of them, and it was Chenle's warm and playful nature that had helped break the initial awkwardness.

Yangyang had joined NCT with a determination to give his best and make his mark. But despite his fiery determination on stage, he had been surprisingly shy and reserved when it came to interactions off-stage. Renjun noticed it right away, the way Yangyang's expressive eyes would dart around, avoiding prolonged eye contact.

"Hey, Renjun," Chenle had said one day, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Meet our new member, Yangyang."

Renjun had extended his hand with a warm smile, trying to make Yangyang feel at ease. "Hey, Yangyang! Welcome to NCT."

Yangyang had shaken Renjun's hand, but his gaze had quickly shifted to the floor. "Uh, hi," he had mumbled.

It was an awkward start, to say the least. Renjun, being Renjun, couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "Don't be so shy, Yangyang. We don't bite... much."

That had earned a surprised chuckle from Yangyang, his eyes finally meeting Renjun's, albeit briefly. It was a small victory, a crack in the façade of his shyness.


From that day on, their interactions had been filled with playful banter. Renjun loved to push Yangyang's buttons, to see how far he could go before Yangyang would snap back with a witty retort. It was all in good fun, and it helped Yangyang slowly open up. Over time, their teasing evolved into a unique dynamic. They had inside jokes that no one else in the group understood, and their playful rivalry was a source of amusement for their fellow members. It was evident that they cared about each other, even if they didn't always say it outright.

As the years passed, something began to change within Yangyang. He found himself drawn to Renjun in ways he couldn't quite understand. It wasn't just the playful banter or the shared laughter; it was something deeper, something that tugged at his heart whenever he saw Renjun smile or heard his melodious voice singing on stage.

He couldn't pinpoint when it had started, but Yangyang realized that he had developed feelings for Renjun. It was a realization that both excited and scared him. He knew that being in a group like NCT, with its global recognition and fans who watched their every move, added complexity to matters of the heart. But he couldn't help how he felt. The turning point came during the NCT 2.0 series. It was a significant moment in their careers, and the pressure was on. Rehearsals were intense, and the members were pushed to their limits, both mentally and physically. It was during one of those grueling practice sessions that Yangyang decided he couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer.

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