Stay With Me P.137 (Jaejun)💖

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Life can be full of surprises, can't it? I mean, who would have thought that Jaehyun and Xiaojun, two seemingly unrelated souls in the sprawling world of K-pop, would ever cross paths, let alone develop a deep connection? It's the kind of story that makes you question fate and destiny, a tale of two individuals who couldn't have appeared more different on the surface.

As a devoted fan of NCT, I was no stranger to the enigma that was Jaehyun. With his piercing gaze, sharp features, and a charisma that could melt hearts, he was the kind of idol who oozed confidence and charm on stage. On the other hand, there was Xiaojun, a member of WayV, who radiated a different kind of energy. His soft and gentle demeanor, coupled with his ethereal voice, made him stand out in his own unique way.

If you followed NCT closely, you'd know that Jaehyun rarely crossed paths with Xiaojun on camera. Their interactions during group activities were scarce, and it was easy to assume that they moved in separate circles within the vast SM Entertainment universe. That was until the year 2020, when the unexpected happened.

NCT 2020 Resonance was a monumental moment for NCTzens like me. The mega-project brought together all the members of NCT, creating a sense of unity and excitement that was palpable. It was during this project that the stars aligned for Jaehyun and Xiaojun. They found themselves working closely together, rehearsing for performances, sharing the stage, and gradually getting to know each other. Now, I can't say I was present during those moments, but the stories started circulating among fans. Whispers of their backstage encounters, the laughter they shared, and the late-night conversations that went on until the early hours of the morning began to emerge. It was as if they were two puzzle pieces that unexpectedly fit together perfectly.

I remember watching interviews and variety show appearances where Jaehyun and Xiaojun would exchange subtle glances, share inside jokes, and exhibit an unspoken camaraderie. It was intriguing to witness the development of their friendship, as it seemed to blossom before our very eyes. These were the moments when you started to wonder if there was more to their connection than met the eye.


But it wasn't until 2021, when a storm of controversy engulfed Lucas, another member of NCT, that the depth of Jaehyun and Xiaojun's bond became undeniable. The scandal had shaken NCTzens to their core, and the WayV dorm had turned into a chaotic mess as the members grappled with the fallout. Amid the chaos and confusion, there was one constant: Jaehyun's unwavering support for Xiaojun and the rest of WayV. He became a source of comfort, a shoulder to lean on, and a friend in a time of need. I couldn't help but admire his empathy and kindness, especially in the face of adversity.

It was during one particularly tumultuous night that Jaehyun went above and beyond. The WayV members were huddled in their shared living space, each burdened by their own thoughts and emotions. Xiaojun, in particular, seemed to be carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders. His usually bright eyes were clouded with worry, and the weight of the situation had etched lines of exhaustion on his face. Jaehyun, ever perceptive, noticed Xiaojun's distress. He had been a quiet presence in the room, offering words of encouragement and solace to those who needed it. But when he saw Xiaojun, he couldn't simply stand by. It was as if an unspoken understanding passed between them, and Jaehyun quietly motioned for Xiaojun to join him outside.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now