Stay With Me P.159 (Winmin)💖

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Sicheng had always been the independent type, even within the close-knit world of NCT. He was the kind of person who valued his personal space and enjoyed his solitude, a trait that had initially surprised his fellow NCT members. However, with time, they had come to accept and even appreciate his self-sufficiency. It was just who Sicheng was.

Jaemin, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was naturally outgoing, affectionate, and loved to be close to his friends. His infectious laughter and propensity for hugging, cuddling, and being generally touchy-feely had earned him a special place in the hearts of NCT Dream members. Jaemin was the kind of person who radiated warmth and made everyone feel loved.

When Jaemin and Sicheng had started their relationship, it was a bit of a surprise to everyone, even though they all supported them wholeheartedly. They were the kind of couple that seemed to defy logic - two people with vastly different personalities and ways of expressing affection coming together. But love, as they say, was a mysterious thing, and it had brought them together. At first, Jaemin had assumed that Sicheng's behavior wouldn't change much after they became a couple. He respected Sicheng's need for personal space and wasn't one to impose himself on anyone. But as their relationship progressed, Jaemin couldn't help but notice that Sicheng seemed more distant than ever, at least when it came to physical affection.

It wasn't that Sicheng didn't care about Jaemin; he did, deeply. But he had always struggled with physical intimacy, even before they started dating. It was something he had never been comfortable with, and it wasn't easy for him to change that aspect of himself. Jaemin, on the other hand, was used to being close and affectionate with his friends, and he missed that physical connection with Sicheng.


One day, after a particularly affectionate moment with the other Dream members, Jaemin noticed Sicheng looking a bit downcast. It was a rare sight, as Sicheng was usually the picture of composure. But Jaemin, who was becoming increasingly attuned to Sicheng's moods, couldn't ignore it. They were in their dorm room, the soft glow of the evening sun casting a warm hue over everything. Sicheng sat on his bed, lost in thought, while Jaemin sprawled on his own bed, flipping through a magazine.

"Sicheng," Jaemin began tentatively, "Is everything okay?"

Sicheng looked up, startled by the question. He managed a small smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

Jaemin put the magazine aside and sat up, his gaze fixed on Sicheng. "You just seem... I don't know, a bit distant lately."

Sicheng sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's nothing, really. Just tired, I guess."

Jaemin wasn't convinced. He knew there was more to it than that. "Sicheng, you can talk to me about anything, you know that, right?"

Sicheng nodded, his smile slightly more genuine this time. "I know, Jaemin. Thanks for caring."

"Of course, I care," Jaemin said, moving closer to Sicheng on the bed. "You mean a lot to me, and I want us to be able to talk about anything, even if it's difficult."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now