Stay With Me P.108 (Yuhyuck)💖

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The streets of Seoul bustled with life as Yuta and Donghyuck made their way through the city. Their steps were in sync, and their fingers brushed occasionally as they strolled along. It was a chilly evening, and the city's lights cast a warm and inviting glow upon them. To anyone watching, they appeared to be just two friends enjoying a casual night out.

But the truth was far more complex.

Yuta and Donghyuck were not just friends; they were deeply in love, a fact known only to their closest confidants within the entertainment industry. While they shared a deep bond, their relationship was shrouded in secrecy, concealed from their fans and the world at large.

Their life together was a paradox, a delicate dance between reality and fiction. On camera, they portrayed themselves as two people who couldn't stand each other. They bickered, they argued, and they threw playful insults back and forth, all for the sake of entertaining their fans. It was a role they had perfected, and it had earned them a legion of dedicated followers.

But off camera, away from the prying eyes of the public, Yuta and Donghyuck were a completely different couple. They were affectionate, loving, and utterly devoted to one another. Their interactions were filled with stolen kisses, whispered words of endearment, and an unspoken understanding that bound them together. Their fellow group members often teased them about their incessant displays of affection, but they were oblivious to the teasing, lost in their own world of love and intimacy.

As they walked through the streets of Seoul, Yuta slipped his hand into Donghyuck's pocket, intertwining their fingers. It was a small gesture, barely noticeable to anyone else, but it meant the world to them. They knew they had to be cautious, especially in public, but their desire to be close to each other often overruled their need for secrecy.

Donghyuck glanced at Yuta, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You know, we should stop by that ice cream place," he suggested, pointing to a colorful shop up ahead.

Yuta grinned, his eyes lighting up at the idea. "Ice cream sounds perfect right now," he replied, giving Donghyuck's hand a gentle squeeze.

They made their way to the ice cream shop, joining the line of people waiting for their sweet treats. As they waited, Yuta leaned in and whispered in Donghyuck's ear, "I love you."

Donghyuck's cheeks flushed pink, and he couldn't help but smile. "I love you too," he whispered back, pressing a soft kiss to Yuta's cheek.

Their interactions were so natural, so genuine, that it was hard to believe they were just putting on a show for the fans. But they had learned to compartmentalize their lives, to separate their public personas from their private moments.


Once they had their ice cream cones in hand, they found a quiet bench in a nearby park to sit and enjoy their treats. The park was illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, creating a romantic ambiance that felt like it was meant just for them.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now