Stay with me p.3 (Jungmark) 💖

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It was after Idol Room, and to say Jungwoo was a little jealous was an understatement. Him, Jaehyun, and Doyoung had fought for the title as "Mark's Soulmate" and little did everyone know he was right here. Jungwoo being the "confident gay" got the "panic gay" to date him. And Jungwoo was comfortable in his relationship with Mark. Even if everyone shipped Mark and Doungyuck more than him and Mark. He was too sweet to ever get mad at his Marky. Until one game:


"Everyone!" Shouts Yuta, the overly excited Japanese male.

"What now Yuta" Johnny says in a rather annoyed tone rolling his eyes.

"Let's play the Saranghae game" a hopefully look in his eyes. Everyone just doing a shrug and gathering in a circle.

"Okay, everyone knows the rules. Someone says I love you, you either accept or not and no matter what don't smile." Explains Donghyuck looking at everyone.

With a nod everyone was ready to start the game. Of course with Jisung the youngest, on one side sat Ten and the other sat Lucas.

"Saranghae" using finger hearts, he looks at Ten. When Ten accepts, beside him is Mark.

"Markeuuu, Saranghae" putting an arm around him. Mark was perfectly calm somehow. Accepting Mark turns to Donghyuck.

"Saranghae Hyuckie" batting his lashes, Jungwoo couldn't help but be a tash bit angry about.

The game kept going, him sitting beside Lucas and Jaehyun. Mark was never fazed when Jungwoo went the extra mile to say "I Love You" to either of the boys. It took some time before some more got out and it was down between; Mark, Doyoung, Donghyuck, himself, and Ten.

"Hey Donghyuck" Mark looks at the other. He hums nonchalantly to show the least emotion possible.

Mark goes over kisses the youngers cheek before whispering "Saranghae" in his ear.

By now Jungwoo was mentally fuming. That is HIS boyfriend. Not Donghyuck, not no one else. He wasn't possessive much, so when he did it was a serious reason why he is.

It didn't cause Donghyuck to loose the game though. And it made to the extra mile of fume Jungwoo was feeling. He knows how close the two are; they've been best friends for a long while. Jungwoo has only known Mark for probably three years and dating him for one and a half of that. While being some of an age gap between the two, Mark and Donghyuck were barely two years apart. Them being so similar while him and Mark polar opposites upset him as well.

By now Doyoung was out and it was down to only Ten, Mark, Donghyuck, and himself. Trying the kiss again, Mark kisses his cheeks and the corner of his mouth before saying "Saranghae." The stupid rule of "the person saying it can do whatever they want" backfired on Jungwoo so hard and it made him angry.

So full on kissing Ten on the lips and saying " Saranghae." He walks out of the room before seeing anything else. He couldn't look at his boyfriend right now. When seeing both Taeyong and Lucas running to catch up to him, he felt disappointed it wasn't Mark.

"What was that about Uwu?" Asks Taeyong. Clearly confused. Jungwoo has always been the silent one and didn't get angry often. But he was clearly fuming right now. And the only thing Lucas could think to do was hug his hyung. And hope he would calm down. He hated seeing any of the hyungs seething.

"I am just a little upset LuLu I am ok" the older pets his hair softly. Jungwoo has always had a soft spot for the youngers, hence why he is dating someone younger. They are just so adorable. Nother a less, Lucas and Taeyong wherever he was walking to, which seemed farther and farther away from Mark.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now