Stay With Me P.165 (Chencas)💖

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the SM Entertainment practice room. NCT members bustled about, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they prepared for their upcoming performance. Among them, Chenle and Lucas stood together, their bond stronger than ever.

Chenle, the youngest member of NCT Dream, had always been fluent in Chinese. He had joined the group at a young age, and his linguistic skills were a valuable asset, especially when communicating with the Chinese members of NCT. Lucas, a tall and charismatic member of NCT U, had joined the group a bit later and hailed from Hong Kong. He didn't speak Mandarin when he first arrived, but he was determined to learn.

Their friendship had blossomed when Lucas embarked on the challenging journey of learning Chinese. Chenle, being the supportive and sociable individual that he was, had taken Lucas under his wing. He patiently taught him the basics, corrected his pronunciation, and even helped him understand the nuances of the language. They spent hours together, practicing and conversing in Chinese, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. As time went by, Chenle and Lucas found themselves spending more and more time together, even outside of their Chinese lessons. They shared common interests, from music to fashion, and their personalities complemented each other perfectly. Chenle was the playful, mischievous one, always ready with a joke or a witty comment. Lucas, on the other hand, was the calm and collected type, his deep voice often serving as a grounding presence in the chaos of NCT's busy schedule.

Their closeness didn't go unnoticed by the other members. Johnny, another member of NCT, often teased them about their frequent Chinese conversations. "Are you guys secretly plotting to take over the world in Mandarin?" he'd joke, earning laughter from the others. But for Chenle and Lucas, their friendship was nothing more than a deep and genuine connection.

However, everything changed in 2019. Lucas received an opportunity that would take him away from NCT for a while. He was offered a spot in WayV, a subunit focused on the Chinese market. It was an exciting opportunity for him to expand his career, but it also meant leaving behind the members he had grown so close to. The news hit Chenle hard. He had always been a positive and cheerful person, but he couldn't hide his disappointment and sadness when he learned that Lucas would be leaving. They sat together in their favorite corner of the practice room, away from the prying eyes and ears of the others.

"Lucas," Chenle began, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "I can't believe they're sending you to WayV and not adding me. We've been through so much together, and now we're going to be apart."

Lucas sighed, his eyes filled with empathy. "I know, Chenle. I wish there was something I could do about it. But you know how these decisions are made. It's all about strategy and timing."

Chenle nodded, his shoulders slumping. "I understand that, but it still hurts. We won't be able to hang out like we used to."

Lucas reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Chenle's shoulder. "Hey, we'll find a way to stay in touch. We can video chat, text, whatever. Distance won't break our friendship."

Chenle managed a weak smile, grateful for Lucas's support. "Yeah, you're right. We've been through tougher things than this."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now