Stay With Me P.188 (Johnsung)💖

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In the bustling world of NCT, where charisma and talent ran as deep as the struggles and dreams of the young performers, two towering figures found themselves at the center of an unexpected journey. Johnny and Jisung, both remarkably tall and striking, had shared countless stages and practice rooms, yet a peculiar awkwardness clung to their interactions. NCT was like a family, a big one with shifting dynamics, but a family nonetheless. Members spent countless hours rehearsing and bonding, but amidst the camaraderie and shared aspirations, there were moments of hesitation. It wasn't as if Johnny and Jisung had issues with one another; in fact, they held each other in high regard. It was simply the kind of awkwardness that often plagued those whose paths intersected but never quite collided.

Their connection began to shift in NCT 2021. They started hanging out occasionally, mostly spurred by the lack of overlapping schedules that gave them a window of free time. Text messages started to flow more frequently between them, punctuated by inside jokes and shared laughter. It was during these casual moments, away from the relentless demands of the spotlight, that a different kind of connection began to form.

By NCT 2022, a year had passed since Johnny and Jisung started spending more time together. The bond between them had grown, and as they navigated the trials of the idol life, Jisung discovered a new feeling growing deep within his heart. It was an unexpected and confusing sensation that was difficult to deny – he had fallen for Johnny. For a young man living in the whirlwind of the entertainment industry, discovering romantic feelings for a fellow member was a complex journey. The dance practices, photo shoots, and performances didn't leave much room for personal introspection. Yet, there were moments of stolen glances and lingering touches during choreography rehearsals that sparked a growing realization in Jisung's mind.

One sunny day, the entire NCT group gathered for an intense practice session. The choreographer had some challenging moves lined up, and the group's unity was essential. Johnny and Jisung, in their typical spots side by side, shared a significant amount of non-verbal communication. It was as if they had developed a secret language, conveying their thoughts and feelings through subtle gestures and smiles. As the practice progressed and the choreography grew increasingly intricate, Jisung's heart started racing. He couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. It was like a dam had burst, and the words flooded his mind. In a bold, impulsive moment, he turned to Johnny in the midst of the dance.

"Johnny," Jisung said, almost louder than he intended. The whole group froze, and all eyes turned to him, curious and surprised. Jisung blushed furiously but powered through. "I... I have to tell you something. I can't hold it in anymore."

Johnny's eyes widened in shock, and his heart pounded in his chest. What was Jisung about to say in front of everyone? The tension was palpable in the room as the other members waited, eager to hear Jisung's confession.

Taking a deep breath, Jisung continued, "Johnny, I... I've developed feelings for you, and I can't keep it a secret any longer." He was practically trembling, and his voice wavered with a mixture of fear and longing.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now