Stay With Me P.132 (Yuyang)💖

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It was a sunny day in Seoul, and the members of NCT 2020 had gathered for a fun-filled Field Day. The excitement in the air was palpable as the members split into teams, ready to engage in various physical challenges. Among the members was Yangyang, a playful and mischievous spirit, and Yuta, known for his charisma and trickster personality. They had never interacted much before, but fate had something in store for them on that day. The Field Day was in full swing, with laughter and cheers echoing across the field. Teams were competing fiercely, but the atmosphere was light-hearted and joyful. Yangyang found himself in a team with Yuta, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. He had heard stories about Yuta's playful antics, and he wondered what the day had in store for him.

As the first challenge of the day began, Yuta wasted no time in living up to his reputation as a trickster. He slyly tied the shoelaces of an unsuspecting member together, causing a hilarious stumble that sent everyone into fits of laughter. Yangyang watched with amusement, realizing that he might have a formidable partner in mischief. The challenges continued, ranging from relay races to tug-of-war. Yangyang and Yuta worked together seamlessly, their camaraderie growing with each passing challenge. They shared knowing glances, and Yangyang couldn't deny the spark of excitement that came with each of Yuta's mischievous ideas.

However, the highlight of the day was the arm wrestling competition. It was a test of strength and endurance, and both Yangyang and Yuta were determined to win. The crowd gathered around as they locked hands, their muscles flexing with effort. It was a close match, but in the end, Yuta's strength prevailed, and he won the arm wrestling contest, earning cheers and applause from their fellow members. Yangyang couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his loss, but he quickly brushed it off, knowing that it was all in good fun. Yuta flashed him a triumphant grin, and Yangyang couldn't help but smile back. There was something about Yuta's playful spirit that drew him in, and he was eager to see what other tricks and surprises Yuta had up his sleeve.

After the Field Day activities concluded, the members gathered to relax and unwind. It was during this downtime that Yangyang and Yuta's friendship began to deepen. They started by playfully teasing each other, and it didn't take long for a full-blown prank war to erupt between them.


One day, Yangyang sneaked into Yuta's dressing room and filled his shoes with confetti. When Yuta discovered the colorful mess, he couldn't help but laugh, impressed by Yangyang's audacity. In retaliation, Yuta replaced Yangyang's water bottle with one filled with cold, colored water, causing Yangyang to sputter and sputter in surprise. The members watched in amusement as the two engaged in their playful antics.

As the days turned into weeks, Yangyang found himself thinking about Yuta more often than he cared to admit. He admired Yuta's confidence, his quick wit, and his ability to make everyone around him laugh. There was an undeniable chemistry between them, and Yangyang couldn't help but wonder if there was something more than friendship brewing beneath the surface. One evening, as they sat together in the dimly lit practice room, Yangyang felt a rush of nervous energy coursing through him. He had been trying to find the right moment to talk to Yuta about his feelings, and now seemed as good a time as any.

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