Stay With Me P.75 (Wincas) 💖

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It was during practice, like any other day Sicheng was learning the dances like everyone else was. When Lee-Soo Man walked in.

"Hello sir," Taeyong bows, with everyone following behind him.

"Hello U," he smiles at the boys.

"I have a couple of males that will be joining you," he steps aside to showcase the two males.

"Introduce yourselves," he tells them both.

"I'm Jungwoo," almost whispers one male.

"I'm Lucas," the other male says in a deeper tone.

"And they are going to be in NCT 2018 and U's song Boss," he informs the other males in the room.

With a small nod, everyone agrees, Sicheng's eyes focused on the one called 'Lucas.' His big brown eyes, his blonde hair. He was considered adorable in Sicheng's eyes.

"I'm Sicheng," the Chinese male introduces himself.

"Hi Sicheng, I hope we can be friends," with a ton of mistakes in the small sentence he said.

However, Sicheng found it adorable. And he knew from that moment on, he wanted to protect the younger from the world. From everything even SM is.


His bigger eyes made him more innocent, and Sicheng didn't want him taken advantage of.

That is what he told everyone anyway just so everyone would stay off his case about being in love with him.


With the more jokes that came around the more Sicheng didn't want to be around the other male. And he seemed to instantly take a liking towards Jungwoo too. And that together is what made Sicheng upset.

The fact he didn't care.

Or his face and actions showed no care. And Sicheng started to get angry and take it out on the person who caused it; Yuta.

His hyung.

He wasn't abusive or anything. Never. However he always made it clear he wasn't in interest in the other. And that alone was enough to upset him.

As far as Lucas, he seemed to be getting closer to everyone. And Sicheng had to act like he wasn't upset over it as well.

He was upset, his heart started to speed up whenever his thoughts were even consumed of the other. His body melted from the others touches. Everything about him to Sicheng was perfect. There was truly nothing imperfect on this males body.

And that was when he started to show how crazy he truly was. Lucas was only shy for a little time before he truly showed his NCT energy.

But yet to Sicheng, Lucas was the most adorable human in the entire world. He barely said a word to him, however his eyes always found themselves to Lucas'. It was almost like he was a magnet that Sicheng couldn't repel against.

Not like he wanted to anyway.

But if he did want to. It was nearly impossible to pull away from the other. He was almost irresponsible. It only scared Sicheng more that someone else would start to fall in love with him too.

Just like how Sicheng had all that time ago.


"Win Winnie," comments Yuta adoringly.

It is during trainee days, and everyone was training together and working together.Having a blast together. Sometimes, more than others, but there isn't one thing Sicheng would take back. Yuta had just started getting close to Sicheng, and the male started to fall in love with the attention the other gave to him.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now