1k Special💖

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Soo again thank you guys so much for one freaking k. It is still an unbelievable number. And here I am with a special! And more important:

Norenmin, omg this was the first NCT poly relationship I have liked and here I am to supply yall readers with that good good. Not even sorry for these 🤣🤣

 Not even sorry for these 🤣🤣

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It had been a year since Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin had embarked on their unique and loving journey as a polyamorous trio. As the sun began to cast its gentle morning light into their cozy bedroom, the three of them were wrapped in a warm, tangled embrace of limbs and hearts. It was a reflection of their deep bond, a connection that had grown stronger with every passing day. Jeno was the first to stir, his dark, tousled hair framing his sleepy, handsome face. He blinked his eyes open, slowly becoming aware of the two precious souls sharing his bed. Renjun, with his delicate features and porcelain skin, lay peacefully beside him, and Jaemin, a vision of ethereal beauty, was nestled on the other side.

As he carefully extricated himself from the embrace, Jeno couldn't help but marvel at the love that had blossomed between them. It was a love founded on trust, understanding, and the willingness to embrace unconventional paths. The trio had faced challenges, but they had always emerged stronger, determined to make their unique relationship work. Jeno tiptoed out of the room, leaving his lovers to sleep a little longer, knowing that he had a special surprise in store for their one-year anniversary. He quietly made his way to the kitchen, where he set about preparing a picnic breakfast to celebrate this important day.

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