Stay With Me P.53 (Jungten)💖

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Jungwoo stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie meticulously. The black fabric felt foreign against his fingers, a stark contrast to the casual clothes he usually donned. Tonight was the annual SM Entertainment Yearbook event, a night of glitz and glamour that brought together the company's artists, staff, and trainees under the same roof. He took a deep breath, steeling himself against the inevitable waves of anxiety that always accompanied such events. His reflection stared back at him with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. His eyes, a shade of warm brown, betrayed a hint of nervousness, but determination flickered within them as well. After all, this wasn't just another ordinary evening. This was the night that could change everything.

As the door to the dorm swung open, Jungwoo's heart skipped a beat. There stood Ten, his fellow NCT member, dressed in a sleek black suit that seemed to be tailor-made for his lithe frame. Ten's ebony hair was styled in a way that accentuated his sharp features, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Hey, Jungwoo," Ten greeted, his voice laced with a casual charm that belied the significance of the night. "Ready to rock the yearbook event?"

Jungwoo returned the smile, his anxiety momentarily replaced by the ease that Ten's presence always brought. "Yeah, just making sure I don't trip over my own feet."

Ten chuckled softly, his laughter a soothing melody that calmed Jungwoo's racing heart. "You'll be fine. Besides, I'll be there to catch you if you fall."

Jungwoo's cheeks warmed at the subtle implication behind Ten's words. They had known each other for years, ever since Jungwoo had joined SM Entertainment as a wide-eyed rookie. Yet, their relationship had always been characterized by a comfortable distance—a camaraderie that extended to the stage but rarely ventured beyond it. It wasn't until the yearbook event of 2018 that the dynamics shifted. That year, they had been paired up for a photoshoot, and forced to spend more time together than they ever had before. The laughter had flowed effortlessly, and the initial awkwardness had given way to genuine conversations. It was as if the universe had conspired to nudge them closer, to weave their paths together in a way that was both unexpected and inevitable.

In the dimly lit hallway outside the dorms, Ten fidgeted with the cuff of his jacket, nervous energy radiating from him. "You know, Jungwoo, I've been thinking. After the yearbook event, we should hang out more. Just the two of us."

Jungwoo's heart leaped at the suggestion, his fingers involuntarily tightening around the doorknob. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We should definitely do that."

Their eyes met a charged silence lingering between them. At that moment, Jungwoo felt the invisible threads of connection that had been slowly weaving themselves over the years, drawing them together even when they hadn't realized it.


As the yearbook event progressed, the night glittered with laughter, music, and the soft glow of camera flashes. Jungwoo and Ten navigated the sea of people, their shoulders occasionally brushing against each other, each touch sending a tremor of awareness down their spines. Amidst the swirling chaos, their gazes would meet, holding for a fraction of a second longer than necessary, a wordless acknowledgment of the bond that was growing stronger with every passing moment.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now