Stay With Me P.38 (Dokun) 💖

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Doyoung and Kun's story begins during their trainee days in SM Entertainment, a time filled with dreams, aspirations, and relentless training. As they embarked on their journey to become K-pop idols, they found themselves navigating through the challenges of their inherent awkwardness. Both Doyoung and Kun were naturally introverted and tended to keep to themselves, gravitating toward their respective groups within the trainee program.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, as Doyoung and Kun worked tirelessly to perfect their skills, tirelessly pushing themselves to the limits. They would pass each other in the corridors or occasionally find themselves in the same practice room, but their interactions were limited to brief nods or polite smiles. It seemed as though fate had yet to weave their paths together.

However, as trainees came and went, leaving behind empty spaces and bittersweet memories, Doyoung keenly observed the change in Kun's demeanor when their mutual friend, Hansol, bid farewell unexpectedly. The once-bright spark in Kun's eyes seemed dimmed, replaced by a lingering sadness that weighed heavily on his shoulders. Sensing his fellow trainee's sorrow, Doyoung's empathetic nature propelled him to break through the barrier of silence that stood between them.

One evening, with determination coursing through his veins, Doyoung approached Kun, who was sitting alone in the practice room, his gaze lost in the distance. The atmosphere was charged with unspoken emotions, the air thick with unspoken words. Nervously, Doyoung cleared his throat and mustered up the courage to initiate a conversation.

"Hey, Kun," Doyoung's voice quivered slightly, a reflection of the genuine concern he held in his heart. "Mind if I join you?"

Kun's gaze shifted, surprise flickering across his features as he registered the unexpected company. His lips curled into a faint smile, a glimmer of hope and gratitude shining in his eyes. "Sure, Doyoung. I'd appreciate the company," Kun replied softly, his voice laced with gratitude.

The two were far from close, in fact, this was one of the few times Doyoung had even muttered a word to the other. As Doyoung settled down beside Kun, a sense of connection began. Their conversation started tentatively, with small talk about their experiences as trainees and their shared aspirations. Yet, with each passing moment, the walls that had once divided them began to crumble. They found solace in their shared struggles and the understanding that only fellow trainees could provide.

As the night wore on, the initial discomfort dissipated, replaced by newfound ease in each other's presence. Doyoung's empathetic nature allowed him to create a safe space for Kun to open up about his innermost feelings and struggles. Kun's heartache over Hansol's departure and his unrequited love unfurled like a delicate flower, revealing the depth of his emotions. Doyoung listened intently, his eyes filled with compassion and understanding. He offered words of comfort and support, assuring Kun that he was not alone in his pain. The weight that had burdened Kun's heart began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope and a newfound sense of connection with Doyoung.

In that vulnerable moment, a bond formed between them—a bond born out of shared experiences, deep understanding, and the solace of being seen and heard. They were no longer two individuals lost in the sea of trainees but two souls who had found solace and comfort in each other's presence. Little did they know that this night, filled with heartfelt conversations and vulnerable revelations, would serve as a pivotal turning point in their journey. This catalyst would set them on a path of self-discovery, friendship, and ultimately, an unexpected love that would blossom before them. 

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