Stay With Me P.60 (Jaeyu)💖

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The city lights glowed softly outside the window of the dimly lit practice room. The familiar scent of sweat and determination lingered in the air, a testament to the countless hours Jaehyun and Yuta had spent perfecting their dance routines. The two had been inseparable since the inception of NCT, bonded by their shared dreams, ambitions, and the struggles they had faced together on this rollercoaster journey.

As the years went by, their friendship had grown stronger, the unspoken understanding between them deepening with each challenge they conquered. But it was during the aftermath of the Super Hero Era that their relationship underwent a transformation, one that was marked by the gradual shift of glances and the brush of fingers that spoke of something more.

"Man, can you believe we pulled off that concept?" Jaehyun mused, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. His voice held a mix of exhaustion and pride.

Yuta chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was intense, but the response from fans has been amazing. I'm glad we pushed ourselves to the limit."

Their gazes met for a moment, and in that fleeting exchange, there was a silent acknowledgment of the hurdles they had overcome together. Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat, a strange warmth spreading through his chest. He had always admired Yuta's dedication and resilience, but lately, he found himself noticing the smaller things—the curve of Yuta's smile, the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about the group's achievements.

Yuta's fingers brushed against Jaehyun's as they adjusted their water bottles on the table. The contact sent a shiver down Jaehyun's spine, a sensation he couldn't quite shake off. He stole a glance at Yuta, whose lips were curved into a faint smile as he rambled on about their upcoming schedule. Jaehyun's heart raced, the unspoken words and emotions hanging heavy in the air.


Days turned into weeks, and their interactions seemed to gain a new layer of meaning. The fans started noticing the stolen glances, the shared laughter that seemed to come from a place of deeper understanding. Social media buzzed with speculations and ship names, but Jaehyun and Yuta remained oblivious to the chatter, caught in their own web of emotions and uncertainties.

One evening, as they lingered in the practice room after a particularly grueling rehearsal, Yuta spoke up in a hushed tone. "Jaehyun, can I talk to you about something?"

Jaehyun nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He watched as Yuta took a deep breath, his expression a mix of nerves and determination. "I've been thinking a lot lately," Yuta began, his gaze fixed on the floor as if the words were etched there. "About us... about our friendship."

Jaehyun's throat went dry, his mind racing as he tried to anticipate what Yuta was about to say. He found his voice, albeit shaky. "What about it?"

Yuta looked up, his eyes locking onto Jaehyun's with an intensity that sent a rush of warmth through Jaehyun's veins. "I think there's more to our connection than just friendship," Yuta admitted, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "And I don't want to ignore it anymore."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now