Stay With Me P.26 (Renhyuck) 💖

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Donghyuck knew a few things in life, he knew of his popularity because of NCT. He knew he has some amazing bandmates and life long best friends. He also knows, that through out all of the tourmenting of when of his bandmates also lead to the crush on them. That person being Huang Renjun, the other male is short but that is what made him easy to pick on, but at the same time he stands up for himself so that is what made it physically impossible for Donghyuck to bully him.

That is also what started Donghyuck to fall in love with the other male. His skin a little on the tan side like his, his gorgeous and always sympathetic brown eyes. And currently his white hair. His playful smile, and his always threatening eyes. His punches always hurting and causing for Donghyuck to flinch at his friend.

Currently, it is Rolling era, and part of their Nct 2020 yearbook. It is only the start and everyone is already exhausted. Renjun falling asleep in the corner after his part of the new choreography. Donghyuck can't help but admire the beauty of the male. Thats why his feet found their way to him, sitting down next to him and placing his head on the others shoulder. Renjun releasing a small hum to let the other know he knows he's there.

"You tired I Injunnie?" Hyuck playfully pokes at the tired males cheek. Renjun releasing a small hum in agreement.

Donghyuck carefully guiding the other males head to his shoulder. Renjun never once open his eyes. Infact, Donghyuck thinks the other actually fell asleep. A small snoring admitting from him. Its cute and causing a pitter pattering in Donghyuck's heart from the male. Settling an arm around the males waist, settling his head on top of the others lightly.

A lonely Mark walking past the two with a knowing smile. Causing for Donghyuck to stick his tongue out and almost shoe the other away. He's glad, him and Mark finally got to a happy place in their friendship. If it wasn't for Renjun, always being there for Renjun, Donghyuck would of probably killed Mark by now.

Donghyuck owes a lot to Renjun.


Its a few days later, and everyone is finally getting a free day. Its a few days into training for the resonance era, but their managers decided they needed a day off. And no one complained, so Donghyuck layed on his bed. A blanket covering his lower half and a tank top covering his top half as he went through his social medias. Just the time away from the studios and being able to be a normal person felt amazing to the male. Of course, interrupting his peace, someone knocks on his door.

"Come in," he rolls his eyes.

"Hey," Renjun pops his head in.

"Hey Injun, whats up," Donghyuck looks above his shirt at the male.

"I'm bored, can I join you in lounging?" Renjun asks, not moving away from the door.

"Sure," Donghyuck shrugs his shoulder. But that wasn't what his heart felt.

Renjun quietly shut the door and joined the other on the bed in slow steps. Almost like it's suppose to mean something. Laying down next to Donghyuck and covering himself with the same blue soft fluffy blanket. Renjun pulls out his phone next to Donghyuck as the two continue their aimless scrolling.

"Taeyongie hyung and Doyoungie hyung said they were going to make dinner for everyone," Renjun looks at the other a few minutes into the aimless scrolling.

"Everyone is getting together?" Donghyuck raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," chuckles Renjun. His adorable chuckle sending waves through Donghyuck.

"No one said it was a good idea," Renjun continues to add," but hey whatever makes them happy. I think everyone is happy to have a small break."

Donghyuck nods his head in agreement to the others statement. Renjun smiles and chuckles a very airy one leaning forward and kissing the others forward. For Nct, it is a very normal thing, for everyone to be very affectionate and kiss each others foreheads. Infact, Donghyuck is part of the one who started it if you ask everyone in the dorms.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now