Stay With Me P.79 (KunTen)💖

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Kun ruffles his hair as he is getting ready, NCT is currently setting up for Wayv's debut. And of course Kun is the most excited among everyone else.

He is now going to have his own subunit.

After all of this time.

"Come on Kun ge, are you ready?" Asks a very excited Yangyang jumping around in a singular spot.

Just yesterday, Kun had met Yangyang, Hendery and Xiaojun who are going to be added to Wayv and found out Ten is also going to be in the same subunit as him.

After all of this time.

They trained together, worked together, teased each other, hated each other, and became best friends. To finally now have their own subunit.

Somedays, Kun loves to remember those days.


It started when there was only seventeen of them, back when Hansol was still around. And long before Lucas and Jungwoo had been announced as NCT. No, this was 2016. The times being young and they're all together working for this, dream they all have to try and accomplish.

"Ya Johnny!" Yells Ten laughing aloud with Mark.

Foreign Swaggers.

Kun shakes his head, the four of them are crazy and do a lot of weird things that Kun sometimes doesn't understand. But it doesn't matter.

It started when he first noticed Ten.

The other was loud, and a savage to everyone in NCT, and practically loved fan service between him and everyone in NCT.

The joke being he is collecting everyone in NCT like pokemons.

But Kun back then started to see something different about the male, either than just his savageness. He was sweet.

The way he would comfort everyone in NCT whenever they needed him, especially Taeyong. Their leader.

Kun admired how much he is there for their overly silent and closed off leader. Kun didn't feel an ounce of jealously.

No, it only caused a more fondness.


And Kun was happy the first time he could be there for Ten, NCT had just debuted. And the only subunit that was really intact was 127 and Dream. while U is a more random unit.

And Ten cried the day he found out he wasn't going to be in an intact unit.

"Ten don't cry," Kun wraps his arms around the others body.

"Why, why couldn't it of been me ge," Ten says through tears.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now