Stay With Me P.158 (Wino)💖

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The dimly lit practice room was filled with the rhythmic beats of an old-school boombox, the nostalgic melodies of 90's Love by NCT U pulsating through the air. The song had always been a favorite of Sicheng's, a reminder of simpler times when life was all about friendship, adventure, and first crushes. But tonight, as he watched Jeno dance to the music, something changed within him.

Sicheng had always seen Jeno as the playful, carefree kid of the group. He had a contagious energy that lit up the room, and his smile could chase away the darkest of clouds. To Sicheng, Jeno was like a younger brother, someone to be protected and guided through the complexities of life. They had been through so much together, from grueling practice sessions to the exhilarating highs of performing on stage. Sicheng had watched Jeno grow, both as an artist and as a person.

But as he observed Jeno's movements on the dance floor, the way his body swayed in perfect sync with the music, something shifted in Sicheng's heart. He realized that he was no longer looking at Jeno as a younger brother. Instead, he was seeing him in an entirely new light. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a different side of Jeno that Sicheng had never noticed before. Sicheng's thoughts were in turmoil as he watched Jeno dance. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt, the way his heart skipped a beat every time Jeno's eyes met his. It was a confusing and overwhelming sensation, one that he had never experienced before.

After the practice session, Sicheng found himself unable to concentrate on anything else. He sat alone in the dressing room, lost in thought, replaying the events of the evening in his mind. He couldn't escape the truth any longer; he had developed feelings for Jeno, feelings that went beyond friendship.


The following day, Sicheng decided he needed to talk to someone about his newfound emotions. He needed advice, guidance, anything to help him make sense of this complicated situation. And there was only one person he trusted enough to confide in—Taeyong. Taeyong had always been the rock of the group, the one who could be counted on for wisdom and support. He had a way of understanding people's feelings and offering sage advice. Sicheng knew that if anyone could help him navigate these uncharted waters, it was Taeyong.

As he made his way to Taeyong's room, Sicheng's heart raced with anxiety. He had never been in a situation like this before, and he was unsure of how Taeyong would react. Would he be understanding and supportive, or would he be judgmental?

Sicheng knocked softly on Taeyong's door, and it swung open to reveal the older member of NCT. Taeyong looked up from his laptop, his eyes filled with warmth and curiosity. "Sicheng, what brings you here?" he asked, patting the space on the bed next to him.

Sicheng took a deep breath and sat down, feeling a rush of nervousness wash over him. "Taeyong hyung, I need to talk to you about something important," he began, his voice trembling slightly.

Taeyong closed his laptop and turned his full attention to Sicheng. "Of course, Sicheng. You know you can talk to me about anything. What's on your mind?"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now