Stay With Me P.15 (Hyuckmin)💖

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It was a the best time of the year for Jaemin and Donghyuck. Promotions for a new song! And the two couldn't contain their excitement as Donghyuck walked around the dorm practicing his over and over and over again.

He felt frustrated he couldn't get the lyrics right.

"What's the matter?" Asks a concerned Jaemin wrapping his arms around the others waist.

"I just can't get this part of the new song out right," sighs Donghyuck melting into his boyfriend's grip.

"Why not try it in front of me and I can be of help," suggests Jaemin.

And as he listened to his heavenly boyfriend sing the line. He as always couldn't find nothing wrong with it.

"It sounds spot on amazing like always," comments Jaemin.

"Well," Donghyuck adds carefully,"no offense but no wonder why you can't hear anything wrong with it. You are just a rapper."

And in the moment, Jaemin didn't move, but he truly felt the offense of his boyfriends comment. So, he did stay with the other as he continued practicing but he did eventually leave to find Chenle cuddling his boyfriend Renjun.

"What's up Min? You aren't with Hyuck." Comments Renjun.

Shrugging his shoulders, he didn't want to involve anyone in his thoughts or the twos love life too much at least.

"Its nothing," like always he waves off.

He walks back into the room he shares with his boyfriend and just lays down on the bed comfortable. He knows its petty to be upset with his boyfriend for something like that. But deep down, the comment still hurt.

Shrugging his subconscious mind off, he lays down on the bed to take a quick cat nap before later on that day they had to go in for recording.


And luckily, when he was rudely awaken by dream land, it was by Renjun. So instead of being rude to someone, he was awoken in his place by the other. He groans as he fixed his hair and cloths before joining the others to put his shoes on.

And unlike the 127 boys, he wasn't petty, he didn't try to act like anything was wrong with his boyfriend. The main focus here was, he tried.

And the wanting to be petty kept creeping up telling him to do it. But he knew better and kept shoving down his mind. He seen his boyfriend acting more like the petty one.

Donghyuck was sitting up by Chenle and Renjun going over the lines time and time and time again. Ignoring Jaemin, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes. It wasn't that important to be petty and ignore his boyfriend over, when he truly had no reason to ignore him for.

But Jaemin still went on acting like nothing at all was wrong. He talked to Jeno as the two practiced their raps and even helped out Jisung who seemed to be nervous and seem to need a confidence booster.

The three laughed and had a great time up to the recording station.


And even when they hit the recording station. Donghyuck was still acting petty, he continued talking to the two despite knowing Jaemin was right behind him the entirety of the time. Jaemin still til this moment didn't understand why his boyfriend was ignoring him. He knows he hasn't done anything to upset the other. So, why was he acting in this particular way?

"You ok?" Randomly asks Jeno. Concern painted his face.

Of course Jaemin being the adorable angel he is smiled and said he was. Like always, he lies about how he is feeling.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now