Stay With Me P.14 (Dojae) 💖

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"KIM DOYOUNG!" A scream echos through the dorm room.

A few chuckles left some of the members already knowing what was going on.

"What did you do this time?" Taeyong asks directing his attention towards Doyoung.

"I may of pulled a prank on him," Doyoung says smiles evily.

"Just know now, you are lieral dead meat," laughs Yuta placing an arm around his boyfriends waist.

Scrunching his nose Doyoung replies with a, "you guys are disgusting."

The couple laugh as they see Doyoungs eyes widen as large as saucers before running off.

And down the stairs rushed Jaehyun tooth paste covered his face. Yuta couldn't help but smile at how the other looked.

"What happened to you?" Asks Jisung with a small giggle.

"I don't want to talk about it," he shutters, "have you guys seen Doyoung?"

All shaking their heads, Jaehyun scowls wanted the greatest revenge to his boyfriend.

"Will all of you help me with a good idea to get him back," Jaehyun looks over at his group of friends.


Setting everything up took a lot of time and effort. But in the end it seemed worth it especially when his teammates helped him create the revengeful plan.

Smiling, Jaehyun tried not to look obvious when he walked into the kitchen a few days later. His boyfriend sitting at the table talking to Jungwoo.

"Hi Jaehyun," smiles Jungwoo looking up to the other.

And Jaehyun watched as his boyfriend panicked, froze, and then yanked his head towards him. It took everything in him to not laugh.

"Good morning babe, where were you last night I got no cuddles," pouts Jaehyun approaching his boyfriend.

Placing his arms around his neck and settling his head onto his shoulder. Jaehyun's dimple was out to show as his boyfriend breathed out a quick happily sigh.

"Sorry I was with Donghyuckie," a fake smile plastered on his face.

Cuddling his head farther onto the youngers shoulder, he almost forgot his original reason for being here. Even though it was only one night, he rarely was without his boyfriend.

"Gross love birds," giggles Jungwoo as he sneaks a wink to Jaehyun as Doyoung wasn't paying attention.

"Well go find Taeil if you don't want to be alone," remarks Doyoung.

Jaehyun had a smug look as he could tell his boyfriends walls were down. There was no absolute way he was going to get caught.

He was just way too good at the moment.

Even when the two were alone, Doyoung didn't get suspicious. In fact, he turned his chair around and hugged the other as they were just there in the moment.

A very beautiful moment Jaehyun didn't want to ruin.

Until, in came the other nineteen members. Throwing water balloons aimed at directly Doyoung.

And the plan worked so well considering Doyoung's eyes were closed. The cold water debree did hit Jaehyun a little, however he didn't care.

He got his payback, as he watched his boyfriend's eye widen and he slightly pull back from Jaehyun's grip. But he didn't move, that was the thing.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now